🚀 Complex NASA API

This web site displays all of the NASA facilities along with their location and current weather for that location.

Screen Shot 2022-06-03 at 9 51 59 AM

Languages Used

This was created using HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript.

I used the NASA facilities API to get the names and location of each city. Then I used the coordinates of the facility to use a weather API to get the current weather for the location. I used JS to append each section to the DOM and appended all of the information to the section. I used CSS to give it space vibes.

Lessons Learned

While doing this project, I learned that most free APIs have fetch limits. As I was doing the CSS, I kept refreshing the page and since there are over 400 NASA facilites, I quickly reached the daily call limit for the weather API. I had to wait a few hours to be able to use my API key again.