💸 Node Coin Flip Game

This is a server side coin flip game where the user guesses heads or tails, then the server flips the coin and returns whether the user is correct or not.

Screen Shot 2022-06-03 at 11 59 27 AM

Languages Used

This was created using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, and Node.js.

I did this project with a team. This was our first project using Node.js. We created a coin object server side with properties of the users guess, a random number generator that gives 1 or 2 (heads or tails), and a method that returns whether the user's guess is correct or not. The gif of the dinosaur by itself was mildly creepy so I added a bright background and button along with a fun font.

Lessons Learned

Using Node for the first time was a little bit confusing trying to understand where the information is going/where it is coming from. We did this project without using express/CRUD to learn about how Node.js communicates between the client and the server.