
RESTful API Server for jc

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This project provides a RESTful API server for jc.

A demo can be found at: https://jc-api.onrender.com/v1/version

See also: jc-web

Starting the Server (using a Python venv)

$ cd jc-restapi
$ source .venv/bin/activate
(.venv) $ python -m app


$ cd jc-restapi
$ source .venv/bin/activate
(.venv) $ gunicorn app:app

Client Usage

Show JC Version

Method: GET

URL: http://<URL>/v1/version

List Parsers

Method: GET

URL: http://<URL>/v1/parsers

Get Parser Info

Method: GET

URL: http://<URL>/v1/info/<parser>

Parse Data

Method: POST

URL: http://<URL>/v1/parse/<parser>

JSON Request:

  "raw": bool,        # optional (defaults to false)
  "data": string

For example, to parse date output:

$ curl -X POST http://<URL>/v1/parse/date \
   -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
   -d '{
    "raw": false,
    "data": "Sat Dec 31 16:51:50 PST 2022"
  "result": {
    "day": 31,
    "day_of_year": 365,
    "epoch": 1672534310,
    "epoch_utc": null,
    "hour": 4,
    "hour_24": 16,
    "iso": "2022-12-31T16:51:50",
    "minute": 51,
    "month": "Dec",
    "month_num": 12,
    "period": "PM",
    "second": 50,
    "timezone": "PST",
    "timezone_aware": false,
    "utc_offset": null,
    "week_of_year": 52,
    "weekday": "Sat",
    "weekday_num": 6,
    "year": 2022

Ensure you have properly JSON escaped your command output string. This can be done with something like: dig | jq -R -s

jc (CLI and Python library) can be found at https://github.com/kellyjonbrazil/jc

Build the Docker Container

$ git clone https://github.com/kellyjonbrazil/jc-restapi
$ cd ./jc-restapi
$ ./docker-build.sh

Now you can see the list of images:

$ docker images
REPOSITORY               TAG       IMAGE ID       CREATED              SIZE
kellybrazil/jc-restapi   1.0       5c8c90b5ab98   About a minute ago   68.7MB
kellybrazil/jc-restapi   latest    5c8c90b5ab98   About a minute ago   68.7MB

You can also pull the pre-built container from Docker Hub with docker pull kellybrazil/jc-restapi

Run the Container

$ docker run -d --name jc-restapi -p 8000:8000 kellybrazil/jc-restapi:1.0


$ JC_APP_PORT=8000 docker-compose up -d