
This mini-project is the first of Data Circles' #datadays posts. I filter a database of US addresses to identify streets named after MLK. Mapping ensues.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Streets named for Martin Luther King Jr.

I am celebrating MLK day this year with a data-twist. I put together a quick data project to identify & map American streets named after MLK. Check out the accompanying blog post for more details.

Project Guide

The MLK notebook walks through each step of the project. You should be able to run the notebook from a clone of this repo, without needing to download data or run the python files. However, if you want to replicate the process, see below for more info.

Data Source

OpenAdresses Download files for US Addresses, which are split into 4 sections: West, Northeast, South, and Midwest. These are large files. I used one at a time and deleted the first section of data before moving on the the next.

To Replicate Data Processing

Download the data & run each of the 4 python files located in py_files. Make sure to update file paths in each of these files.