
URLs is a small Python library of URL utility functions

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


  • URLTools


URLs is a small library of URL utility functions compiled for personal needs. There’s nothing too fancy nor anything you can’t find from another library, but URLs consists of smaller functions to be used rather than relying on larger packages.

Right now, this is a very small project and the functions only include ways to get the domain from a URL and add http to URLs missing it.


You can install this project directly from Github via:

$ pip3.7 install git+https://github.com/kelmore5/python-url-utilities.git


  • Python 3.7


Once installed, you can import the main class like so:

>>> from kelmore_urls import URLTools as URLS
>>> x = 'www.google.com'
>>> y = 'https://www.amazon.com'
>>> URLS.add_http(x, https=True)    # 'https://www.google.com'
>>> URLS.domain(y)                  # 'amazon'



class kelmore_urls.urls.URLTools()

A tool class to hold utility functions for modifying URLs

Functions include things like getting the domain name, subdomain, top-level domain, etc, and adding http/https to a URL


>>> from kelmore_urls import URLTools as URLs
>>> url: str = 'https://www.google.com'
>>> URLs.domain_name(url)
>>> URLs.root_domain(url)
>>> URLs.subdomain(url)
>>> URLs.top_level_domain(url)


static add_http(url: str, https: bool = False)

Takes a URL and adds http (or https) to it if the protocol is not found


>>> URLTools.add_http('www.google.com', https=True)
  • Parameters

    • url (str) – An ill-formed URL with or without a protocol

    • https (bool) – True if protocol should be https else False (for http)

  • Returns

    The given URL with an attached protocol

  • Return type


static domain_name(url: str)

Retrieves the domain name from the given URL


>>> URLTools.domain_name('https://www.google.com')
  • Parameters

    url (str) – Any URL with a root domain

  • Returns

    The URL’s domain name

  • Return type


  • Raises

    ValueError – Raises ValueError if the URL doesn’t have a root domain

static has_protocol(url: str)

Checks whether or not a URL has a protocol attached


>>> URLTools.has_protocol('https://www.google.com')
  • Parameters

    url (str) – Any URL

  • Returns

    True if the URL has a protocol else False

  • Return type


static network_location(url: str)

Retrieves the network location from the given URL. Network location includes the subdomain, domain_name, and top-level domain.


>>> URLTools.network_location('https://www.google.com')
  • Parameters

    url (str) – Any URL

  • Returns

    The network location for the URL

  • Return type


static protocol(url: str)

Retrieves the protocol for the given URL


>>> URLTools.protocol('https://www.google.com')
  • Parameters

    url (str) – Any URL

  • Returns

    The protocol for the given URL

  • Return type


static root_domain(url: str)

Retrieves the root domain for a given URL. The root domain consists of the domain name and the top-level domain.


>>> URLTools.root_domain('https://www.google.com')
  • Parameters

    url (str) – Any URL with a root domain

  • Returns

    The root domain for the given URL

  • Return type


  • Raises

    ValueError – Raises ValueError if the URL doesn’t have a root domain

static subdomain(url: str)

Retrieves the subdomain for the given URL


>>> URLTools.domain_name('https://www.google.com')
  • Parameters

    url (str) – Any URL with a root domain

  • Returns

    The subdomain for the given URL

  • Return type


  • Raises

    ValueError – Raises ValueError if the URL doesn’t have a root domain

static top_level_domain(url: str)

Retrieves the top-level domain for the given URL


>>> URLTools.domain_name('https://www.google.com')
  • Parameters

    url (str) – Any URL with a root domain

  • Returns

    The top-level domain for the given URL

  • Return type


  • Raises

    ValueError – Raises ValueError if the URL doesn’t have a root domain