Scheduling API



  • bcryptjs
  • body-parser
  • express
  • jsonwebtoken
  • pg
  • sequelize

Verify that you have Postgres Ready

Make sure that you have Postgres installed on your local machine, or hosted elsewhere, and are aware of the IP and port on which it is running. Also verify that you have created a DB with the name you plan to use below in the config files, or else it will not work.

Create Local Files

git clone
cd schedule_api
mkdir config
cd config
touch auth_config.js db_config.js

Open the auth_config.js file and paste in the following:

module.exports = {
  secret: <string of your choosing>

Open the db_config.js file and paste in the following (all values are strings):

module.exports = {
  HOST: <wherever your Postgres DB is hosted>,
  USER: <Postgres user ID>,
  PASSWORD: <Postgres pw>,
  DB: <DB name>,
  dialect: "postgres"

Run npm install followed by npm run start.

Using a utility such as Postman, make a POST request to http://localhost:8080/auth/signup to create a new user (see API documentation below for required parameters).

Using a utility such as Postman, make a POST request to http://localhost:8080/auth/signin to get a token that can be used to access the other endpoints. Also make note of the UUID.



For creating new users and validating returning users as well as managing passwords and permissions.

POST /auth/signup

Creates a new user. Accepts the following body params, all of which are strings:

  • username
  • firstName
  • lastName
  • dob
  • phone
  • email
  • password


  • uuid (unique user id, a string)
  • role (permissions role as an integer)
POST /auth/signin

Validates a returning user. Accepts the following body params, all of which are strings:

  • username
  • password


  • uuid (unique user id, a string)
  • role (permissions role as an integer)
  • accessToken (string)
POST /auth/reset-password

Resets a user's password. Accepts the following body params, all of which are strings:

  • username
  • newPassword


  • 200 code on success
  • 500 code on failure
POST /auth/change-role

Changes a user's role. Requires admin privileges. Requires the following body params, all of which are strings:

  • username
  • role-id
    • 1 = client/customer
    • 2 = admin
    • 3 = non-admin employee
  • uuid (unique user id, who is making the request)


  • 200 code on success
  • 403 for inadequate permissions
  • 500 code on failure


For retrieving user information

GET /users/all

Requires an administrator or employee role to return all users. Accepts a single body parameter, as a string:

  • uuid (unique user id, who is making the query)

Requires a single x-code-access value in the header:

  • The token returned from posting to the /auth/signin endpoint

Returns an array of all users in the following shape:

        "username": <string>,
        "firstName": <string>,
        "lastName": <string>,
        "dob": "YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00.000Z",
        "phone": "XXX-XXX-XXXX",
        "email": "XXX@XXX",
        "uuid": <string>,
        "Role": {
            "name": <string name of role>