This is a Next.js mock project for Village bootstrapped with create-next-app.

Getting Started

First, clone down this repository and install necessary dependencies with npm i. Then run the development server:

npm run dev
# or
yarn dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

Technologies Used

  • NextJS
  • JavaScript
  • CSS
  • Material UI


Screen Shot 2023-01-12 at 9 23 18 AM


This was quite a fun project to work on. This was my first project with NextJS (having worked some with React and Gatsby, it wasn't too crazy to move through. I wasn't able to work on this project in one sitting so I did pieces of it here and there. I spent a good portion of time playing with and navigating through the folders and files. I also spent a lot of time going through the documentation of NextJS to gain and grasp more understanding. This project was a neat way to mess around with props, state, and flexbox. I had some trouble wrapping my head around when/where to either use "getServerSideProps" or "getStaticProps". I couldn't help but dig into what this would require to include dynamic routes, so I watched a few videos on that. It looks a bit tricky, but like it could be fun to work through and figure out. If I had more time and were to do it again, I would probably use more Material UI and possibly implement Tailwind CSS. For organizational purposes I would also look more into how to better organize the CSS for each page/component rather than put it all in the global css file. I appreciated the direction, instructions, and wireframe. It was very easy to read and understand what was expected. Overall, I thought this was a great mock project and it got me excited to continue learning and practicing NextJS.