
A React app.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Kelson's TriviaTime Demo

This is a quick microservices based configuration for a simple demo app

  • Frontend built with Create-react-app

    • Redux
    • Material UI
  • Backend Runs on a seperate express/node.js server

File structure!

  • Everything for the frontend is in the root /triviatime folder
  • Everything for the backend is in the /triviatime/server folder


  • This app is built using a MongoDB database hosted on Mlab, so there is no need to seed a local db


The directions must be followed in order to get up and running.

After cloning or forking this app:

run these commands to install dependencies for the client and server

$ cd triviatime
$ npm run setup
$ npm start
  • The server will start on port 3000, but you can change this if you would like. The backend must be running on port 5000 however.

API Endpoints

These are the endpoints that the react app is making requests for gathering and sending the data and storing the User and their responses in mongo

POST /users/account - Signup user http://localhost:5000/users/account
GET /users/:username - Get user http://localhost:5000/users/:username
POST /questions - Save question to DB http://localhost:5000/questions

Development / Would-like-to-dos

  • Built a full featured material ui, with avatar etc

  • Add more RESTful CRUD api endpoints

  • Build out GET/PATCH/DELETE for each answer

  • There is always testing to be do ( ALWAYS, which is such a fun thing to do right? )


Please reach out, I would love to answer questions or help you get the app running.