
Opensource solution for managing organisational policies


This README would normally document whatever steps are necessary to get your application up and running.

What is this repository for?

The aim of thsi open source project is to provide small ot medium range companys with a open source Policy management software.

Incremental Development Plan

Phase 1:

  • Ability to add, edit, view and delete policy
  • Ability to create policy libraries.
  • Create multiple policy versions
  • MI information on policies

Phase 2:

  • Implement Authentication: forms authentication
  • Implement Authorisation and role base access (publisher (person who can create policy) & end user (person who reads and complies ot policy)).

Phase 3/4 (TBC):

  • Implement policy Scheduling: Ability to schdeule a release of a policy version.

Phase 3/4 (TBC):

  • Implement test framework.

Phase 5:

  • Workflow: Add authentication and workflow management layer to creation and updating fo policies

As and when each of the above is implemented, a tick will be added .

known Issues/Bugs: