
A Prolog DSL written in scala.

Primary LanguageScalaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Prolog as Scala DSL

Prolog-as-scalaDSL is a library providing a DSL for writing Prolog programs in scala.

How to use

  1. Add the following library dependency in your build file.
    • for sbt:
       libraryDependencies += "io.github.kelvindev15" % "prolog-as-scaladsl_3" % "<version>"
    • for gradle:
  2. Replace <version> with the desired of latest version of the library.


Using the DSL is as simple as extending the PrologDSL trait. Let's write a program.

object Demo extends PrologDSL:
  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit =
    val program = PrologProgram(Theory(
      factOf(structOf(atomOf("father"), atomOf("abraham"), atomOf("isaac"))),
      factOf(structOf(atomOf("father"), atomOf("terach"), atomOf("abraham"))),
        structOf(atomOf("grandfather"), varOf("X"), varOf("Y")),
        structOf(atomOf("father"), varOf("X"), varOf("Z")) and
          structOf(atomOf("father"), varOf("Z"), varOf("Y")))),

      solution <- Solver solve (
        program withGoal structOf(atomOf("father"), atomOf("abraham"), atomOf("isaac")))
    do println(solution)

Here's the output:

Yes(father(abraham, isaac),Map())

As you can tell the writing of the prolog program is a bit difficult since we had to specify what is a struct, what is an atom or a variable, etc... Fortunately we are in scala so we can take advantage of that:

val father = atomOf("father")
val grandfather = atomOf("grandfather")
val abraham = atomOf("abraham")
val isaac = atomOf("isaac")
val terach = atomOf("terach")
val X = varOf("X")
val Y = varOf("Y")
val Z = varOf("Z")

val program = PrologProgram(Theory(
  factOf(structOf(father, abraham, isaac)),
  factOf(structOf(father, terach, abraham)),
  ruleOf(structOf(grandfather, X, Y), structOf(father, X, Z) and structOf(father, Z, Y))),

Now the program was easier to write, but, still we had to introduce a lot of variables in order to achieve that. Luckily the DSL come with some of predefined structures such as variables and moreover strings are automatically converted to atoms!

val program = PrologProgram(theory(
  factOf(structOf("father", "abraham", "isaac")),
  factOf(structOf("father", "terach", "abraham")),
  ruleOf(structOf("grandfather", X, Y), structOf("father", X, Z) and structOf("father", Z, Y))),

In order to resemble the prolog syntax, string can be invoked to create structures:

val program = PrologProgram(theory(
  factOf("father"("abraham", "isaac")),
  factOf("father"("terach", "abraham")),
  ruleOf("grandfather"(X, Y), "father"(X, Z) and "father"(Z, Y)),

The grandfather rule can be written in a "more prolog" way as:

"grandfather"(X, Y) :- ("father"(X, Z) &: "father"(Z, Y))

Whenever a clause is expected (e.g the arguments of the theory method), structure are automatically converted to fact. So here's a cleaner way to write the program.

val program = PrologProgram(theory(
  "father"("abraham", "isaac"),
  "father"("terach", "abraham"),
  "grandfather"(X, Y) :- ("father"(X, Z) &: "father"(Z, Y)))

Let's make some other queries:

  goal <- Seq(
    "grandfather"("abraham", "isaac"),
    "father"(A, "isaac"),
    "father"(F, S)
  solution <- Solver solve (program withGoal goal)
do println(solution)

 No(grandfather(abraham, isaac))
 Yes(father(A, isaac),Map(A -> abraham))
 Yes(father(F, S),Map(F -> abraham, S -> isaac))
 Yes(father(F, S),Map(F -> terach, S -> abraham))

As you can see some solutions have a mapping (substitution). In this cases we can access a variable substitution directly from the solution:

  solution <- Solver solve (program withGoal "father"(F, S))
    father <- solution(F)
    son <- solution(S) 
  do println(s"$father is the father of $son")
 abraham is the father of isaac
 terach is the father of abraham

Program may be written in a more declarative way. All we need is to mixin the DeclarativeProlog trait.

object Demo extends PrologDSL with DeclarativeProlog:
  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit =
    val program = prolog:
        clause { "father"("abraham", "isaac") }
        clause { "father"("terach", "abraham") }
        clause { "grandfather"(X, Y) :- ("father"(X, Z) &: "father"(Z, Y)) }
        "father"(F, S)
    for solution <- Solver solve program do println(solution)

If you want, you may split your theory in a staticTheory and a dynamicTheory (programTheory is an alias of `dynamicTheory).

A Solver may be used just to satisfy goals in the following way:

for solution <- Solver query member(X, list("a", "b", "c")) do println(solution)
  Yes(member(X, [a, b, c]),Map(X -> a))
  Yes(member(X, [a, b, c]),Map(X -> b))
  Yes(member(X, [a, b, c]),Map(X -> c))
  No(member(X, [a, b, c]))

Notice that member and list and many others are facility methods to create their correspondent predicates.

The trait TermConvertible gives you the possibility to interpret your object as if they were terms. You just need to specify how to convert them to term. Here's a cumbersome but explicative example:

def father(f: String, s: String): TermConvertible = new TermConvertible:
  override def toTerm: Struct = "father"(f, s)

Other features

Conjunction and conjunction of goals

object Demo extends PrologDSL:
  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit =
    // Conjunctions
    println(&&("a", "b", "c")) // a, b, c
    println("a" &: "b" &: "c")
    println("a" and "b" and "c")
    // Disjunctions
    println(||("a", "b", "c")) // a; b; c
    println("a" |: "b" |: "c")
    println("a" or "b" or "c")


object Demo extends PrologDSL:
  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit =
    println(list("a", "b", "c")) // [a, b, c]
    println(cons("a", cons("b", cons("c", nil)))) // [a, b, c]
    println(cons(X, Y)) // [X, Y]
    println(cons(X)(Y)) // emulates [X | Y]
    println(head(1, 2, 3) | X) // emulates [1, 2, 3 | X]

Builtin predicates

Here's a list of prolog builtins available in the library:

true/0, fail/0, var/1, nonvar/1, atom/1, number/1, atomic/1, clause/2, asserta/1, assertz/1, retract/1, member/2, ground/1, append/2, call/1, once/1, not/1, functor/3, arg/3, =../2, findall/3, op/3, length/2, []/0,atom_chars/2, number_chars/2, !/0, repeat/0, call/1, \\+/1, =\1, ==/2 (as strictEq), op/3, is/2, +/2, -/2, */2, //2, ///2, mod/2, =:=/2, =\\=/2, </2, >/2, >=/2, =</2, @</2, @>/2, @=</2, @>=/2

Use cases