
Unofficial Spotify Charts API. Get any and all data for top 200 and viral 50 music on Spotify. 27th Apr 2021 Update - fycharts returns empty dataframes due to CloudFlare protection on spotifycharts.com

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A fully-fledged installable python package for extracting top 200 and viral 50 charts off of spotifycharts.com

In a nutshell, the unofficial Spotify Charts API


  1. Inspiration
  2. Installation
  3. Sample
  4. Design philosophy
  5. The CLI
  6. API Functions
  7. Data returned
  8. Country codes
  9. A note about dates
  10. Turbo-boosted recipe
  11. A utility method
  12. Changelog


This was built to fill the gap left when Spotify deprecated their official Spotify charts API. It arose as a needed crawler for the Spotify data analysis and machine learning project done here

fycharts exposes both a set of functions (an API), and a CLI.


pip install fycharts

Note: The CLI is only available for fycharts>=4.0.0


Say you want to extract top 200 daily charts for all time, all regions:



from fycharts.SpotifyCharts import SpotifyCharts

api = SpotifyCharts()
api.top200Daily(output_file = "top_200_daily.csv")

Then: python myCrawler.py


fycharts top200Daily --csv top_200_daily.csv

Or you want viral 50 daily charts for January 2019 in the us and globally, to be written into a csv file and a SQLLite db

Note: This works only for fycharts>=3.0.0



from fycharts.SpotifyCharts import SpotifyCharts
import sqlalchemy

api = SpotifyCharts()
connector = sqlalchemy.create_engine("sqlite:///spotifycharts.db", echo=False)
api.viral50Daily(output_file = "viral_50_daily.csv", output_db = connector, webhook = ["https://mywebhookssite.com/post/"], start = "2019-01-01", end = "2019-01-31", region = ["us", "global"])

Then: python myCrawler.py


fycharts viral50Daily --csv viral_50_daily.csv --webhook https://mywebhookssite.com/post/ --start 2019-01-01 --end 2019-01-31 -r us -r global

Note: The CLI cannot write to a DB. You can however pass multiple webhooks to POST to:

-w https://mywebhookssite.com/post/1 -w https://mywebhookssite.com/post/2


The API was designed and published first (fycharts<4.0.0) then the CLI was introduced in v4.0.0. The CLI is merely a convinient wrapper over the API.

This means that the rules that apply at the API level, also apply at the CLI level

THE CLI in a nutshell

fycharts chartsName [OPTIONS]

The charts are:

  • top200Daily
  • top200Weekly
  • viral50Daily
  • viral50Weekly

These invoke the API functions exposed by the library

The options are:

-s, --start         Start of date range (YYYY-MM-DD)
-e, --end           End of date range (YYYY-MM-DD)
-r, --region        Region(s) to get the chart for
-c, --csv           Output CSV file (only one)
-w, --webhook       Output webhook(s)

fycharts --help for the MAN page

The CLI has been tested on Ubuntu 18.04LTS (Bionic Beaver) and Windows 10 Home v1909

API functions

For all the charts provided by Spotify, four functions exist:

  1. top200Weekly()
  2. top200Daily()
  3. viral50Weekly()
  4. viral50Daily()

All four functions take the following parameters:

Ouput options

  1. output_file - CSV file to write the data to (Compulsory for fycharts<3.0.0)

  2. output_db - A connector object for any database supported by SQLAlchemy (only available in fycharts>=3.0.0)

  3. webhook - A HTTP endpoint (or a list of them) to POST the extracted data to (only available in fycharts>=3.0.0)

    Create webhooks for testing here: https://webhook.site/ or here: https://beeceptor.com/

Parameters (Optional)

  1. start - Start date of range of interest as string with the format YYYY-MM-DD

  2. end - End date of range of interest as string with the format YYYY-MM-DD

  3. region - Region (or a list of regions e.g. ["global", "us", "fr"]) of interest, as a country abbreviation code. "global" is also valid

    Refer to COUNTRY CODES below for supported regions.

If not specified, data is extracted for all dates, all regions


The data extracted from spotifycharts.com is written to the output with the following fields:

  1. Position - The song's position during that week or day

  2. Track Name - Name of the song

  3. Artist - Name of artist

  4. Streams - Number of streams for that week or day. Only applicable to top 200 charts

  5. date - This varies

    For instance if you set 'start = 2020-01-03' & 'end = 2020-01-15'

    For daily charts -> YYYY-MM-DD e.g 2020-01-03

    For top 200 weekly chart -> week_start_date--week_end_date e.g 2020-01-03--2020-01-10

    For viral 50 weekly chart -> week_start_date--week_start_date e.g 2020-01-03--2020-01-03

  6. region - Region of the chart as a code

  7. spotify_id - Spotify track id ('id' for fycharts < 3.0.0)

Note: When writing to a db, fycharts is setup to write:

1. viral50Daily to the table `viral_50_daily`

2. viral50Weekly to the table `viral_50_weekly`

3. top200Daily to the table `top_200_daily`

4. top200Weekly to the table `top_200_weekly`

Note: To REST endpoints, a JSON payload is sent with the structure:

  "chart": "top_200_daily",
  "data": [
      "Position": 1,
      "Track Name": "The Box",
      "Artist": "Roddy Ricch",
      "Streams": 2278155,
      "date": "2020-01-03",
      "region": "us",
      "spotify_id": "0nbXyq5TXYPCO7pr3N8S4I"
      "Position": 2,
      "Track Name": "Yummy",
      "Artist": "Justin Bieber",
      "Streams": 1863557,
      "date": "2020-01-03",
      "region": "us",
      "spotify_id": "41L3O37CECZt3N7ziG2z7l"


Only the following country codes are supported so far:

ad ca dk gr is mx ph sv
ar ch do gt it my pl th
at cl ec hk jp ni pt tr
au co ee hn lt nl py tw
be cr es hu lu no ro us
bg cy fi id lv nz se uy
bo cz fr ie mc pa sg vn
br de gb il mt pe sk global


The start date of the range you're interested in, is very specific for each chart. If you enter an invalid date, you'll be prompted with a list of suggestions and given a choice whether to use fycharts' suggestion or your own.

If using multithreading to run multiple functions, the prompt comes up but is non-blocking. You can still respond


To fully take advantage of multithreading, you may write your code as follows:


import sqlalchemy
import threading

from fycharts.SpotifyCharts import SpotifyCharts

def main():
    api = SpotifyCharts()
    connector = sqlalchemy.create_engine("sqlite:///spotifycharts.db", echo=False)
    hooks = ["https://mywebhookssite.com/post/", "http://asecondsite.net/post"]

    a_thread = threading.Thread(target = api.top200Daily, kwargs = {"output_file": "top_200_daily.csv", "output_db": connector, "webhook": hooks, "start": "2020-01-03", "end":"2020-01-12", "region": ["global", "us"]})
    b_thread = threading.Thread(target = api.top200Weekly, kwargs = {"output_file": "top_200_weekly.csv", "output_db": connector, "webhook": hooks, "start": "2020-01-03", "end":"2020-01-12", "region": ["global", "us"]})
    c_thread = threading.Thread(target = api.viral50Daily, kwargs = {"output_file": "viral_50_daily.csv", "output_db": connector, "webhook": hooks, "start": "2020-01-03", "end":"2020-01-12", "region": ["global", "us"]})
    d_thread = threading.Thread(target = api.viral50Weekly, kwargs = {"output_file": "viral_50_weekly.csv", "output_db": connector, "webhook": hooks, "start": "2020-01-02", "end":"2020-01-12", "region": ["global", "us"]})

if __name__ == "__main__":

TAKE NOTE: DO NOT SHARE THE OUTPUT DESTINATION ACROSS THE FUNCTIONS i.e. each function should be writing to its own set of outputs


The API exposes a function that you may find of use:

  1. validDates(start, end, desired)

This function prints a list of valid dates for the kind of data you are interested in.


  1. start - Start date of range of interest as string with the format YYYY-MM-DD

  2. end - End date of range of interest as string with the format YYYY-MM-DD

  3. desired - A string specifying the kind of data desired

         * top200Daily
         * top200Weekly
         * viral50Daily
         * viral50Weekly


This changelog loosely follows semantic versioning

4.0.2 1st Jan 2021


  • Freezing due to no data being returned for some region-chart combinations (Issue #4) by reducing retries

4.0.1 27th Sept 2020


  • Some bugs

4.0.0 27th Sept 2020


  • A bug in reading in a list of regions


  • CLI functionality to fycharts

3.1.0 4th Feb 2020


  • Identifying info to payload POSTed to webhook

3.0.0 4th Feb 2020


  • Accepting a DB connector to write data to db
  • Accepting a list of REST endpoints to post data to


  • A bug in file validation


  • The Spotify track id column name from 'id' to 'spotify_id'

2.0.1 31st Jan 2020


  • A bug in setting the column titles when multiple regions are requested

2.0.0 30th Jan 2020


  • Multithreading to increase crawling speeds
  • Custom exceptions
  • A utility method to print valid dates
  • Accepting a list of regions


  • The documentation

1.2.0 5th April 2019

  • Improved date verification

1.0.1 5th Jan 2019

  • Renamed the project to fycharts

1.0.0 26th Dec 2018

  • Released project named "Spotify-Charts-API"