
building a Tic Tac Toe game with React.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript

[React.js] tic tac toe

building a Tic Tac Toe game with React.js

Some React general tutorials

Getting Started

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. git clone https://github.com/YOUR_USERNAME/tic-tac-toe.git
  3. Install dependencies
❯ npm i -g gulp
❯ npm i


  1. Once installed, run the default gulp task
❯ gulp
  1. Open index.html in your browser of choice.
  2. Follow the steps below to build Tic Tac Toe in the file lib/app.jsx
  3. Your changes to app.jsx will auto rebuild your application.
  4. Reload your browser to see changes.

Steps to do

Note: If you get stuck, look at the docs here

Please, solve each step in a separate message commit:

❯ git commit -m "step 2"
❯ git commit -m "step 3"
❯ git commit -m "step 4 and 5"

1. Build a react component called Box

The Box is a button render the X value.

Tips: First component

2. Set a property called value to the Box to render the current button

Render (again) the X value.

Tips: Using props

3. Add style to the button


  • height to 100px
  • width to 100px

Tips: Inline styles

4. Render the button with an initial state

Render (again) the X value as initial state.

Name it initialValue.

Tips: Props in getInitialState Is an Anti-Pattern

5. Change state alternating between X and O

Every 300ms, change by alternating the state value between X and O

Tips: Lifecycle Methods

6. In fact, the Box state changes by clicking on button

Make Box value alternates between X and O on clicks.

Tips: DOM Event Listeners in a Component

7. Build a react component called Row

Row renders 3 Box components

Tips: Composition Example

8. In fact, Row build dynamically its Box

Row render 3 children Box with - as initial value.

Tips: Dynamic Children

9. Move logic to Row

Now, the event click changes the state of the Row component

Tips: Save the value for each row index.

10. Render a Grid

Now, create a Grid component that renders 3 Row components.

Tips: Same as 7 ;)

11. In fact, Grid build dynamically its Row

Grid render 3 children Row with - as initial value.

Tips: Same as 8 ;)

12. Move logic to Grid

Now, the event click changes the state of the Grid component

Tips: Save the value for each row/column index inside the grid (and same as 9 ;))