
🚀 A fun JS game of tic tac toe in progressive web app. Play it at https://kelvinkamau.github.io/tictactoe/

Primary LanguageJavaScript

TicTacToe Titan (v1.0)

Immerse yourself in thrilling matches against a cunning AI adversary designed to challenge your strategic prowess. Prepare to outsmart your digital opponent and claim victory in this classic battle of Xs and Os!

Play TicTacToe Titan

Maintainability FOSSA Status

Ways I plan to improve the game:

  • Add an optional signup/login with FirebaseAuth & a leaderboard where various players can get ranked.
  • Add SSL to secure with HTTPS
  • Allow players to personalize the game's appearance by selecting different themes, colors, and styles for the game board and pieces.
  • Introduce multiplayer functionality, enabling players to compete against friends or other online opponents in real-time matches.
  • Enhance the AI's decision-making process by using optimized algorithms such as the Minimax algorithm with alpha-beta pruning for efficient and strategic gameplay.