
A challenge to solve 250 leetcode problems by 31st December

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Daily Data Structures and Algorithms Practice


  • Topic: Every 10 days, focus on one topic.
  • Daily Question: One question a day till the end of the year.


  1. Array

    Array Questions

    1. Two Sum - Date: [2024-04-12]
    2. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock - Date: [2024-04-13]
    3. Contains Duplicate - Date: [2024-04-14]
    4. Product of Array Except Self - Date: [2024-04-15]
    5. Maximum Subarray - Date: [2024-04-16]
    6. Maximum Product Subarray - Date: [2024-04-17]
    7. Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array - Date: [2024-04-18]
    8. Search in Rotated Sorted Array - Date: [2024-04-19]
    9. 3Sum - Date: [2024-04-20]
    10. Container With Most Water - Date: [2024-04-21]
  2. Linked List

    Linked List Questions

    1. Merge Two Sorted Lists - Date: [2024-04-22]
    2. Intersection of Two Linked Lists - Date: [2024-04-23]
    3. Palindrome Linked List - Date: [2024-04-24]
    4. Reverse Linked List - Date: [2024-04-25]
    5. Linked List Cycle - Date: [2024-04-26]
    6. Remove Nth Node From End of List - Date: [2024-04-27]
    7. Copy List with Random Pointer - Date: [2024-04-28]
    8. Add Two Numbers - Date: [2024-04-29]
    9. Rotate List - Date: [2024-04-30]
    10. Partition List - Date: [2024-05-01]
  3. Stack and Queue

    Stack and Queue Questions

    1. Implement Stack using Queues - Date: [2024-05-02]
    2. Implement Queue using Stacks - Date: [2024-05-03]
    3. Trapping Rain Water - Date: [2024-05-04]
    4. Min Stack - Date: [2024-05-05]
    5. Sliding Window Maximum - Date: [2024-05-06]
    6. Longest Valid Parentheses - Date: [2024-05-07]
    7. Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation - Date: [2024-05-08]
    8. Basic Calculator - Date: [2024-05-09]
    9. Basic Calculator II - Date: [2024-05-10]
    10. Largest Rectangle in Histogram - Date: [2024-05-11]
  4. Hash Table

    Hash Table Questions

    1. Two Sum - Date: [2024-05-12]
    2. Subarray Sum Equals K - Date: [2024-05-13]
    3. Contains Duplicate - Date: [2024-05-14]
    4. First Unique Character in a String - Date: [2024-05-15]
    5. Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters - Date: [2024-05-16]
    6. Group Anagrams - Date: [2024-05-17]
    7. Intersection of Two Arrays II - Date: [2024-05-18]
    8. Intersection of Two Arrays - Date: [2024-05-19]
    9. Isomorphic Strings - Date: [2024-05-20]
    10. Word Pattern - Date: [2024-05-21]
  5. Tree

    Tree Questions

    1. Maximum Depth of Binary Tree - Date: [2024-05-22]
    2. Validate Binary Search Tree - Date: [2024-05-23]
    3. Symmetric Tree - Date: [2024-05-24]
    4. Binary Tree Level Order Traversal - Date: [2024-05-25]
    5. Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal - Date: [2024-05-26]
    6. Path Sum - Date: [2024-05-27]
    7. Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree - Date: [2024-05-28]
    8. Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal - Date: [2024-05-29]
    9. Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum - Date: [2024-05-30]
    10. Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree - Date: [2024-05-31]
  6. Heap

    Heap Questions

    1. Top K Frequent Elements - Date: [2024-06-01]
    2. Kth Largest Element in an Array - Date: [2024-06-02]
    3. Meeting Rooms II - Date: [2024-06-03]
    4. Design Heap - Date: [2024-06-04]
    5. Task Scheduler - Date: [2024-06-05]
    6. Course Schedule - Date: [2024-06-06]
    7. Course Schedule II - Date: [2024-06-07]
    8. Design Twitter - Date: [2024-06-08]
    9. Design Priority Queue - Date: [2024-06-09]
    10. [Design Median of a Data Stream](https://leetcode.com/pro
  7. Graph

    Graph Questions

    1. Number of Connected Components in an Undirected Graph - Date: [2024-06-11]
    2. Graph Valid Tree - Date: [2024-06-12]
    3. Course Schedule III - Date: [2024-06-13]
    4. Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation - Date: [2024-06-14]
    5. Minimum Height Trees - Date: [2024-06-15]
    6. Longest Increasing Path in a Matrix - Date: [2024-06-16]
    7. Shortest Path Visiting All Nodes - Date: [2024-06-17]
    8. Alien Dictionary - Date: [2024-06-18]
    9. Word Ladder II - Date: [2024-06-19]
    10. Longest Cycle in a Graph - Date: [2024-06-20]
  8. String

    String Questions

    1. Valid Parentheses - Date: [2024-06-21]
    2. Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters - Date: [2024-06-22]
    3. Reverse String - Date: [2024-06-23]
    4. String to Integer (atoi) - Date: [2024-06-24]
    5. Longest Palindromic Substring - Date: [2024-06-25]
    6. Valid Palindrome - Date: [2024-06-26]
    7. Implement strStr() - Date: [2024-06-27]
    8. Count and Say - Date: [2024-06-28]
    9. Longest Common Prefix - Date: [2024-06-29]
    10. Group Anagrams - Date: [2024-06-30]
  9. Two pointers

    Two pointers Questions

    1. Trapping Rain Water - Date: [2024-07-01]
    2. Contains Duplicate - Date: [2024-07-02]
    3. Two Sum II - Input array is sorted - Date: [2024-07-03]
    4. Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array - Date: [2024-07-04]
    5. Remove Element - Date: [2024-07-05]
    6. Implement strStr() - Date: [2024-07-06]
    7. Pairs of Songs With Total Durations Divisible by 60 - Date: [2024-07-07]
    8. Minimum Size Subarray Sum - Date: [2024-07-08]
    9. Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters - Date: [2024-07-09]
    10. Minimum Size Subarray Sum II - Date: [2024-07-10]
  10. Binary Search

    Binary Search Questions

  11. Search in Rotated Sorted Array - Date: [2024-07-11]

  12. Search in Rotated Sorted Array II - Date: [2024-07-12]

  13. Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array - Date: [2024-07-13]

  14. Find Peak Element - Date: [2024-07-14]

  15. Search a 2D Matrix - Date: [2024-07-15]

  16. Search a 2D Matrix II - Date: [2024-07-16]

  17. Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array - Date: [2024-07-17]

  18. Find Median from Data Stream - Date: [2024-07-18]

  19. Median of Two Sorted Arrays - Date: [2024-07-19]

  20. Median of Two Sorted Arrays II - Date: [2024-07-20]

  21. Divide and Conquer

    Divide and Conquer Questions

    1. Maximum Subarray - Date: [2024-07-21]
    2. Fibonacci Number - Date: [2024-07-22]
    3. Climbing Stairs - Date: [2024-07-23]
    4. House Robber - Date: [2024-07-24]
    5. House Robber II - Date: [2024-07-25]
    6. Longest Increasing Subsequence - Date: [2024-07-26]
    7. Longest Common Subsequence - Date: [2024-07-27]
    8. Interleaving String - Date: [2024-07-28]
    9. Word Break II - Date: [2024-07-29]
    10. Combination Sum IV - Date: [2024-07-30]
  22. BFS and DFS

    BFS and DFS Questions

    1. Max Area of Island - Date: [2024-08-01]
    2. Number of Connected Components in an Undirected Graph - Date: [2024-08-02]
    3. Surrounded Regions - Date: [2024-08-03]
    4. Word Ladder - Date: [2024-08-04]
    5. Shortest Path Visiting All Nodes - Date: [2024-08-05]
    6. Alien Dictionary - Date: [2024-08-06]
    7. Open the Lock - Date: [2024-08-07]
    8. Pacific Atlantic Water Flow - Date: [2024-08-08]
    9. Graph Valid Tree - Date: [2024-08-09]
    10. Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation - Date: [2024-08-10]
  23. Backtracking and Recursion

    Backtracking and Recursion Questions

    1. Subsets - Date: [2024-08-11]
    2. Combination Sum - Date: [2024-08-12]
    3. Permutations - Date: [2024-08-13]
    4. Combination Sum II - Date: [2024-08-14]
    5. Permutations II - Date: [2024-08-15]
    6. Word Search - Date: [2024-08-16]
    7. N-Queens - Date: [2024-08-17]
    8. Sudoku Solver - Date: [2024-08-18]
    9. Letter Combinations of a Phone Number - Date: [2024-08-19]
    10. Palindrome Partitioning - Date: [2024-08-20]
  24. Sliding Window

    Sliding Window Questions

    1. Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters - Date: [2024-08-21]
    2. Minimum Window Substring - Date: [2024-08-22]
    3. Longest Substring with At Most Two Distinct Characters - Date: [2024-08-23]
    4. Longest Substring with At Most K Distinct Characters - Date: [2024-08-24]
    5. Permutation in String - Date: [2024-08-25]
    6. Sliding Window Maximum - Date: [2024-08-26]
    7. Sliding Window Minimum - Date: [2024-08-27]
    8. Longest Repeating Character Replacement - Date: [2024-08-28]
    9. Fruit Into Baskets - Date: [2024-08-29]
    10. Longest Substring of Two Distinct Characters - Date: [2024-08-30]
  25. Dynammic Programming

    Dynammic Programming Questions

    1. Climbing Stairs - Date: [2024-08-31]
    2. House Robber - Date: [2024-09-01]
    3. House Robber II - Date: [2024-09-02]
    4. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock - Date: [2024-09-03]
    5. Maximum Subarray - Date: [2024-09-04]
    6. Coin Change - Date: [2024-09-05]
    7. Longest Increasing Subsequence - Date: [2024-09-06]
    8. Unique Paths - Date: [2024-09-07]
    9. Decode Ways - Date: [2024-09-08]
    10. Palindrome Partitioning II - Date: [2024-09-09]
  26. Greedy Algorithm

    Greedy Algorithm Questions

    1. Minimum Cost to Hire K Workers - Date: [2024-09-10]
    2. Minimum Number of Arrows to Burst Balloons - Date: [2024-09-11]
    3. Minimum Number of Refueling Stops - Date: [2024-09-12]
    4. Minimum Deletions to Make Character Frequencies Unique - Date: [2024-09-13]
    5. Minimum Cost to Connect Two Groups of Points - Date: [2024-09-14]
    6. Maximum Number of Coins You Can Get - Date: [2024-09-15]
    7. Minimum Number of Operations to Make Array Equal - Date: [2024-09-16]
    8. Minimum Number of Steps to Make Two Strings Anagram II - Date: [2024-09-17]
    9. Minimum Cost to Make at Least One Valid Path in a Grid - Date: [2024-09-18]
    10. Minimum Cost to Cut a Stick - Date: [2024-09-19]
  27. Math

    Math Questions

    1. Number of Ways to Wear Different Hats to Each Other - Date: [2024-09-20]
    2. Count Good Rectangles - Date: [2024-09-21]
    3. Count Odd Numbers in an Interval Range - Date: [2024-09-22]
    4. Maximum Non Negative Product in a Matrix - Date: [2024-09-23]
    5. Minimum Number of Days to Make m Bouquets - Date: [2024-09-24]
    6. Maximum Product Difference Between Two Indexes - Date: [2024-09-25]
    7. Count Square Sum Triples - Date: [2024-09-26]
    8. Count Pairs With Absolute Difference K - Date: [2024-09-27]
    9. Count Pairs With XOR in a Range - Date: [2024-09-28]
    10. Count Nodes With Given XOR in a Binary Tree - Date: [2024-09-29]
  28. Bit Manipulation

    Bit Manipulation Questions

    1. Number of 1 Bits - Date: [2024-09-30]
    2. Hamming Distance - Date: [2024-10-01]
    3. Single Number - Date: [2024-10-02]
    4. Single Number II - Date: [2024-10-03]
    5. Single Number III - Date: [2024-10-04]
    6. Missing Number - Date: [2024-10-05]
    7. Complement of Base 10 Integer - Date: [2024-10-06]
    8. Number of 1 Bits in Two Binary Strings - Date: [2024-10-07]
    9. Count Pairs With Given XOR and Difference - Date: [2024-10-08]
    10. Count Pairs With Given Sum of XOR - Date: [2024-10-09]



  • For each topic, start by understanding the basic concept and then practice problems on LeetCode.
  • Use resources like Anki flashcards, common data structures, and algorithm templates to help with learning.
  • Practice one question a day to ensure consistency and build up your problem-solving skills.
  • Don't hesitate to use resources like YouTube videos, Stack Overflow, and LeetCode discussions to help understand solutions.