
  • This is a Node CLI calculator that users can be able to use to perform the following operation - Addition - Substraction - Multiplication - Division - Modulus


Technologies & Languages

Version control (Git)

Installation and Setup

Clone the repository below

git clone

Install required Dependencies

npm install

using the app with CLI

  • To use the Application you basically run the following command - node app.js <operation> --firstNumber=<number> --secondNumber=<number>
- Adittion
  - node app.js add --firstNumber=2 --secondNumber=2 

- Substraction
  - node app.js substract --firstNumber=2 --secondNumber=2

- Multiplication
  - node app.js multiply --firstNumber=2 --secondNumber=2 

- Modulus
  - node app.js modulo --firstNumber=2 --secondNumber=2 
- Division
  - node app.js divide --firstNumber=2 --secondNumber=2