
A ruby script that checks Domino's ordering system to see if any of my friends have ordered pizza so I can go to their house and eat it.

Primary LanguageRuby


Stalk your friends' Domino's orders so you never miss out on a pizza party

Command line usage

~/ruby rubino.rb <mode> <each_delay> <loop_delay>

test - Run only on your test phone numbers
once - Run through your contacts.csv once checking for pizza orders
loop - Continually loop through your contacts with a 30 minute wait between checks

1-999 - Delay (in seconds) between checking each of your friends. Default if not entered: 60 to spare your bandwidth.

loop_delay 1-999 - Delay (in minutes) between starting your friends list over. Only in loop mode. Default if not entered: 45 minutes.

NOTE: You must supply a friends.csv file formated: name, 10-digit-phone

THIS IS A PROOF OF CONCEPT PROJECT AND SHOULD NOT ACTUALLY BE USED AS IT IS A VIOLATION OF DOMINO'S TERMS OF SERVICE. However, they should really secure their order system because their competitors could use it to gather data on all of Domino's customers.