Geoip Wrapper with Laravel Support
Supported Drivers (Services)
- PHP >= 7.2
Install via composer
composer require pulkitjalan/geoip
There is a Laravel service provider and facade available.
Add the following to the providers
array in your config/app.php
Next add the following to the aliases
array in your config/app.php
'GeoIP' => PulkitJalan\GeoIP\Facades\GeoIP::class
Next run php artisan vendor:publish --provider="PulkitJalan\GeoIP\GeoIPServiceProvider" --tag="config"
to publish the config file.
If you are on a PHP version below 7.2 or a Laravel version below 5.8 just use an older version of this package.
The geoip class takes a config array as the first parameter or defaults to using the ip-api
use PulkitJalan\GeoIP\GeoIP
$geoip = new GeoIP();
$lat = $geoip->getLatitude(); // 51.5141
$lon = $geoip->getLongitude(); // -3.1969
To use the ipstack as the driver set the config.
$config = [
'driver' => 'ipstack',
'ipstack' => [
'key' => 'YOUR IPSTACK KEY',
'secure' => true, // (optional) use https
To use the ip-api pro service you can set the options in your config.
Pro Example:
$config = [
'driver' => 'ip-api',
'ip-api' => [
'key' => 'YOUR IP-API KEY',
Maxmind support the database type and also web api type.
Database Example:
$config = [
'driver' => 'maxmind',
'maxmind' => [
'database' => '/path/to/database.mmdb',
Web API Example:
$config = [
'driver' => 'maxmind',
'maxmind' => [
'user_id' => 'YOUR MAXMIND USER ID',
'license_key' => 'YOUR MAXMIND LICENSE KEY'
To use the telize as the driver set the config, and your api key.
$config = [
'driver' => 'telize',
'telize' => [
'key' => 'YOUR TELIZE KEY',
To use this package in Laravel, simply update the config file in config/geoip.php
to get the same effect. The driver can be set using the GEOIP_DRIVER
GeoIP will try to determin the ip using the following http headers: HTTP_CLIENT_IP
in this order. Optionally use the setIp
method to set it.
// Laravel
There are a number of available methods to pull out the required information. All methods will return an empty string if data is unavailable.
Get latitude
// Laravel
Get longitude
// Laravel
Get city
// Laravel
Get country
// Laravel
Get country code
// Laravel
Get region
// Laravel
Get region code
// Laravel
Get postal code
// Laravel
Get timezone
// Laravel
Get isp (not supported on all drivers)
// Laravel
Get all geo information
$geoip->get(); // returns array
// Laravel
GeoIP::get(); // returns array
Get raw geo information
$geoip->getRaw(); // different drivers will return different data types
// Laravel
GeoIP::getRaw(); // different drivers will return different data types
There is an update command available to help with updating and installing a local geoip database. The following will download and install/update the database file to /path/to/database.mmdb
use PulkitJalan\GeoIP\GeoIPUpdater
$config = [
'driver' => 'maxmind',
'maxmind' => [
'database' => '/path/to/database.mmdb',
$geoipUpdater = new GeoIPUpdater($config);
Once you have registered the service provider (supports auto discovery), you can use the command php artisan geoip:update
IPStack offers a JSON IP and GeoIP REST API allowing to get a visitor IP address and to query location information from any IP address.
IP-API is a free (or paid) service that can also be used instead of the database file or the paid maxmind service. They do have some limitations on the free service so please have a look at the docs first.
You can use the free database from maxmind or their web api service. You can download the free database service here or enter your user id
and license key
in the config.
Telize offers a JSON IP and GeoIP REST API allowing to get a visitor IP address and to query location information from any IP address. It outputs JSON-encoded IP geolocation data, and supports both Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) and JSONP.