
simple diff tool / server to see if your service in production are up to date

Primary LanguageGo


See commit diffs between Staging and Production.


  • tagged releases represent current production state.
  • master branch represent current staging state.


The makefile is your best friend!


# setup dependencies
make dep

# build binary
make build

Copy and modify .env.sample to your own settings under a .env file.

environment variable remarks
GITHUB_OWNER string value of your GitHub user or organization handler
GITHUB_REPO comma-separated string value of repo names, e.g., repo1,repo2
GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN string value of your GitHub access token, preferably of a bot account


Available as a Docker image at: https://hub.docker.com/r/kelvintaywl/diff/

run on local

make run
# or alternatively, in a verbose manner

GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN=yourToken GITHUB_OWNER=handler GITHUB_REPO=repo1,repo2 ./diff

open http://localhost:9999

or point your browser to http://localhost:9999 to see the JSON response.

Example response

See example_output.json