
Open Source Is Not Property License - If it is open it means it is not closed and its not scarce.


OSINP License

Open Source is Not Property License

Forget about the nonsense. If you open source it, it is already infinitely replicable and therefore not scarce and should not be considered property.

If you want to share the code and maintain ownership of it, be sure to keep it private and only share to other parties through a signed contract.


This software is public and not scarce. Therefore, it has no
copyright nor ownership.

As an open source code, usage of this software in any form is
allowed, if it was not the access to this software would be
private or shared through a contract by the parts.

This sofware is provided by the place by whoever puts it wherever
it is "as is" and:
    * Obviously, no company or person provides warranties.
    * Obviously, contributors are not liable for usage of this
software by others.
    * Obviously, should not be considered property since it is
infinitely replicable and the usage from one entity does not
implicate the obstruction of the usage by other entity.