
Primary LanguageHTML

Recreate A Trello Dashboard With Flexbox

Flexbox makes designing and coding responsive websites a breeze. In the reading, we went over how to use flexbox properties on parent and children elements. Now that you're a pro at using flexbox, go on and flex your CSS skills! (Please pardon the pun).

In this practice, you'll use flexbox to recreate the Trello dashboard so that it's responsive to different screen sizes.

Set up

Clone the practice from the starter.

Once you're in VS Code, you can drag the index.html file into your browser to view the webpage, or use the File Explorer to open it in your browser. The only file you will need to edit for this practice is main.css.

Remember to save the CSS file and refresh the page in the browser whenever you make changes.

Background and Context

Trello is a Web application that many professionals use to manage projects. In this project, you will use flexbox to recreate the Trello dashboard page depicted in the following screenshots.

Screenshot of page in large screen (desktop) format:

Trello on a wide screen

Screenshot of page in medium screen (desktop/tablet) format:

Trello on a medium screen

Screenshot of page in small screen (mobile) format:

Trello on a small screen

All of the elements needed for the page are contained in the index.html file. You will have to link to main.css, where you'll add your styles (try adding a background-color to the .header-nav__container to see if the import was successful). The page also includes a CDN link to Font Awesome, a font that contains nice icons you can use for the header. To use an icon from Font Awesome, you just need to include an i element with the classes "fa«indicator»" and "fa-«icon name»". For example, to include the solid "home" icon which looks like a house, you would add this HTML to your source code.

<i class="fas fa-home"></i>

The "fas" means "Font Awesome Solid!" So easy! Here's a link to the Font Awesome free icon search page so you can have it open if you want to include more icons.

Phase 1: Use flexbox to create the header nav bar

Use flexbox to recreate the blue header nav bar at the top of the page. Try to replicate the header so it's as close to what's on the site/screenshots as possible. We have included icons, which are similar to the original icons, for you to use in your project folder.

Trello header nav bar

Start off by setting the page-wide style on the body element. Set the following properties for it.

Property Value
Font family 'Segoe UI', 'Roboto', 'Noto Sans', 'Ubuntu', 'Droid Sans', 'Helvetica Neue', sans-serif
Font size 14 pixels
Margin is 0 pixels

Style the .header-nav__container with the following properties. The third entry in the table, "Line height", use MDN to figure out what that CSS property is for that setting.

Property Value
Background color #026AA7
Font size 16 pixels
Line height 20 pixels
Padding 4 pixels
Text color white

Now, you'll need to use display: flex on the header-nav__container to put the three sections in the right place with space between them. (The trello logo in the center and the buttons to the left and right.)

Then for all the .header-nav__group, you'll want to manipulate the margin and padding to get the different elements spaced apart from one another.

In the right .header-nav__group, the alert button should have a background color of "#CF513D".

Once you have that, add a media query "breakpoint" to hide the search input field and the "Boards" text on screens with widths less than or equal to 730 pixels.

@media screen and (max-width: 730px) {
  /* Hide the header search input field. */
  /* Hide the "Boards" text, but leave the boards icon. */

Phase 2: Use flexbox to layout the "My Team" section

Use flexbox to recreate the "My Team" section under the header nav bar.

Set the following properties to the indicated values for .team__container:

Property Value
Background color #f4f5f7
Padding 32 pixels

Set the following properties to the indicated values for .team__info:

Property Value
Flex direction column
Margin 0 auto
Max width 650 pixels
Text alignment center

Set the following properties to the indicated values for H1 elements that are a direct child of .team__info:

Property Value
Margin 0 0 12px
Font size 24 pixels
Font weight 600
Line height 28 pixels

Set the following properties to the indicated values for A elements that are descendants of .team__info:

Property Value
Text color #172b4d
Line height 20 pixels
Font weight The normal font weight

Phase 3: Use flexbox to create the tabbed nav bar

Use flexbox to recreate the tabbed nav bar above the boards, which contains four links -- Boards, Members, Settings, Business Class.

Set the following properties to the indicated values for .tabbed-nav__container:

Property Value
Background color #f4f5f7

Set the following properties to the indicated values for .tabbed-nav__group:

Property Value
Bottom border 1px solid #dfe1e6
Display flex
Justify content center

Set the following properties to the indicated values for .tabbed-nav__link:

Property Value
Background color white
Border 1px solid #dfe1e6
Border bottom 0
Border radius 2 pixels
Font weight Bold weight
Line height 20 pixels
Padding 10 pixels
Margin 0 5px
Text color #172b4d

Add a media query that applies to screens with widths greater than 500 pixels. Use flexbox to handle the layout of the children of .tabbed-nav__group. Make sure they're aligned and centered.

Now, for the screens less than or equal to 500 pixels wide, add a media query that applies to that subfeature. In that media query, set the display of the .tabbed-nav__group and any .tabbed-nav__link to "block". This will make the tabs look stacked on small screens rather than horizontal on screens wider than 500 pixels.

Phase 4: Use flexbox to create the boards

For the boards, there is a collection of ten images in the board-backgrounds directory of the project. You can set the background image of each element individually since each has a unique class on it. It will look something similar to the following, though the images will differ.

Set the following properties to the indicated values for the .boards__container:

Property Value
Margin 0 auto
Padding 32 pixels
Maximum width 1400 pixels

The .boards__container should use flexbox, so set the display appropriately. It should also have a horizontal flex direction and have wrapping enabled.

Set the following properties to the indicated values for the .boards__sidebar:

Property Value
Background color #6C547B
Border radius 3 pixels
Margin 0 32px 32px 0
Padding 0 20px 32px 20px
Maximum height 130 pixels
Maximum width 180 pixels
Width 20%

The .boards__sidebar, as a child in a flexbox layout, should indicate that it should not grow or shrink. It should have a basis of 220 pixels.

The .title and a elements that are descendants of .boards__sidebar-content should have white text color.

The .description elements that are descendants of .boards__sidebar-content should have light blue text color. (There is a named color for light blue.)

The .boards__group should also be a flexbox container that allows its child elements to wrap. It should have a width of 80%.

Set the following properties to the indicated values for the .boards__board:

Property Value
Background color hotpink
Border radius 3 pixels
Box sizing border box
Font weight bold font
Height 100 pixels
Margin 0 8px 16px
Maximum width 250 pixels
Padding 4px 8px
Position relative
Text color white
Width 25%

The .boards__board should also be a flexbox container with vertical layout. It should justify its content to distribute leftover space between the children.

For medium- and large-sized screens, you want the .boards__board elements to layout out with many of them in a row. Create a media query breakpoint for screen sizes with widths greater than 750 pixels and less than or equal to 1280 pixels. For that break point, give each .boards__board a width of 33%.

For small-sized screens, you want the .boards__board elements to stack on top of each other. To do that, create a media query breakpoint for screens less than or equal to 750 pixels in width. For that break point, set the width of the .boards__board elements to 100% and unset the maximum width setting.