
42 | Privilege escalation exercices on a system image

Primary LanguageC

Project's status Project's focus

exploit demo

About The Project

snow-crash is a 42 project and an introduction to IT security. A system image is given, and the goal is to escalate privileges, with various techniques. All steps are documented in markdown files in levels folder, feel free to read them.


I did all of this using Kali as host, and VirtualBox as virtualization software to run the ISO. I configured the network as a bridged adapter.

Some of the techniques used

  • Decompilation / Reverse engineering -> Exploitation
  • Input checking bypass
  • Code injection
  • File impersonating
  • Library injection
  • Environnement variables / $PATH trickery
  • Reversing deprecated cryptography algorithms

Full subject is available here and system image file (.iso) here



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