ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C 'sysadm' -f ~/.ssh/sysadm_ed25519
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C 'sysadm' -f ~/.ssh/sysadm_rsa
Before start assign SERVER_IPV4 to your server ip in "" and give permission to "" with following command:
chmod +x
Now, SSH to server and run script:
Once Paste the cryptic text from your local SSH public key: appears on screen, copy and paste public SSH key to it (for example, in my case: cat /home/kerim/.ssh/ and Ctrl+D to move forward.
Later, SSH to server once again and run other script:
Create user account with some name
./ <username>
Check whether vpn user has been created:
ls /opt/profiles/
If yes, exit from server and pull created openvpn account to your local machine with SCP protocol:
scp -P 2219 sysadm@<server-ip>:/opt/profiles/<username>.ovpn ~/Desktop/
Now you can view your created openvpn user in your Desktop, congrats!