
How to SSH to server?

ssh sysadm@<server-ip>

Start setting vpn

$ sudo su -

Clone the repo from github. For that first install git and clone it.

apt install git
git clone https://github.com/KerimKochekov/outline

Move to repo directory.

$ cd outline
$ chmod +x setup.h
$ ./setup.sh

Once "Paste the cryptic text from your local SSH public key:" appears on screen, copy and paste public SSH key to it and Ctrl+D to move forward:

$ cat  ~/.ssh/sysadm_ed25519.pub

Moreover, if you see the setup.sh stuck on command "Running setup.py bdist_wheel for pynacl", you can skip it with Ctrl+C to move forward (It usually takes 20-30 minutes based on performance of your machine, but from my experience, I did not see it is needed for our vpn server, so you can freely skip it)

$ ./outline.sh
$ ./gen_key.sh

If you see "Enter passcode and server IPv4:" on screen, type your secret key (it is given below, you can change it freely based on your preference in config.yml) and server ip with space. For instance:


If you decided to change outline/config.yml for modifying user info or add more than one key, please restart docker-compose after your change with following code:

$ docker-compose restart

Outline VPN user info

id: user1
secret: password1!