Thomas Kennedy, Maria Koceva, Kemal Kongar, Mark Siraut
Analysis of Eurobarometer Data Using R
This repository is for the storage of our POLI 311 Group Project for the Winter 2019 term at McGill University.
The aim was to analyse the impact of "Europeanness" on support for a common security and defence policy throughout the Union. While the analysis was part of the project, the repository will only include the R Markdown file and the pdf output. The data can be found through the European Union website. For easy management, place the data and .rmd file in the same directory. Knitting the .rmd file in R Studio should take care of the initialization and setup. Whatever file format you download the data in (csv, STATA, SPSS), the question ID's should be the same. Minor tweaking may be needed to properly intialize the variables in a way that would allow the file to be knittable.
Unless you are planning on testing/making changes to the project, it is recommended that you use the .pdf file to explore our code and results.