Shaking Button Animation in Jetpack Compose

This project demonstrates how to create a dynamic button shaking animation using Jetpack Compose. The button shakes in different directions and strengths to enhance user interaction.


  • Shake in various directions: LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT_THEN_RIGHT, RIGHT_THEN_LEFT
  • Customize the strength of the shake: Normal, Strong, Custom


Check out the video below to see the shaking button in action:


Getting Started

Follow these instructions to get a copy of the project up and running on your local machine.


  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone
  2. Open the project in Android Studio.
  3. Build and run the project on an emulator or a physical device.


Customize Shaking Settings

You can customize the shaking settings by modifying the rememberShakingState function in the MainActivity:

val shakingState = rememberShakingState(
    strength = ShakingState.Strength.Custom(100f),
    direction = ShakingState.Directions.LEFT_THEN_RIGHT

Strength Options:

  • ShakingState.Strength.Normal: Default strength (17f)
  • ShakingState.Strength.Strong: Stronger shake (40f)
  • ShakingState.Strength.Custom(value): Custom strength, where value is a float.

Direction Options:

  • ShakingState.Directions.LEFT: Shake to the left
  • ShakingState.Directions.RIGHT: Shake to the right
  • ShakingState.Directions.LEFT_THEN_RIGHT: Shake left then right
  • ShakingState.Directions.RIGHT_THEN_LEFT: Shake right then left


Here is an example of how to apply the shaking effect to a button:

Box(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(), contentAlignment = Alignment.Center) {
    val shakingState = rememberShakingState(
        strength = ShakingState.Strength.Custom(100f),
        direction = ShakingState.Directions.LEFT_THEN_RIGHT
    val scope = rememberCoroutineScope()

        onClick = {
            scope.launch {
                shakingState.shake(animationDuration = 30)
        modifier = Modifier.shakable(shakingState)
    ) {
        Text(text = "Shakiiing !!", fontSize = 22.sp)