menu-bundle for Symfony 5
composer require kematjaya/menu-bundle
- configure to config/bundles.php
Kematjaya\MenuBundle\MenuBundle::class => ['all' => true]
- add to config/routes/annotations.yaml
resource: '@MenuBundle/Resources/config/router.xml'
- create file resources/menu.yaml for setting list of menu and insert menu like this:
dashboard: # Path name / route name
label: dashboard # label
icon: ft-home # css icon
group: null # group menu
kmj_menu_access_control_index: # Path name / route name
label: access_control # label
icon: ft-aperture # css icon
group: administrator # css icon
role: # role for allowed to access this menu
- view menu in twig, add this to your twig template
access control: kmj_menu_access_control_index
setting access control: kmj_menu_access_control_show