
A Roda Plugin providing easy creation of flexible HTML tags

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


A Roda plugin providing easy creation of flexible HTML tags within Roda apps or Roda plugins.

Extensively tested and with 100% code test coverage.


To use this gem, just do

$ (sudo) gem install roda-tags

or preferably add this to your Gemfile for Bundler

gem 'roda-tags'

Getting Started

To use Roda::Tags just ensure the gem is included in the Gemfile and then...

...add the plugin to your app...

class MyApp < Roda
  plugin :tags  # see Configurations below for options
  # or
  plugin :tag_helpers # , options
  # <snip...>  

...or include the plugin in your own Roda plugin.

class Roda
  module RodaPlugins
    module YourPlugin
      def self.load_dependencies(app, opts={})
        app.plugin :tags, opts
        # or
        app.plugin :tag_helpers, opts
      # <snip...>


Key Methods / Functionality

Roda::Tags contains two plugins - [:tags, :tag_helpers] - that can be used independently or together.

Note! The :tags plugin is loaded by the :tag_helpers plugin.

1. :tags Plugin

This plugin have one key public method - tag(), which supports this dynamic syntax:

-- tag(*args, &block)

tag(name, &block)

tag(name, content)
tag(name, content, attributes)
tag(name, content, attributes, &block)

tag(name, attributes)
tag(name, attributes, &block)

This makes the method very flexible as can be seen below.

Self closing tags

tag(:br)   #=> <br> or <br/> if XHTML

tag(:hr, class: :divider)  #=>  <hr class="divider">

Multi line tags

tag(:div)  #=>  <div></div>

tag(:div, 'content') 
  #  <div>
  #    content
  #  </div>

tag(:div, 'content', id: 'comment') 
  #  <div id="comment">
  #    content
  #  </div>

 # NB! no content
tag(:div, id: :comment) 
  #=> <div id="comment"></div>

Single line tags

tag(:h1,'Header')  #=>  <h1>Header</h1>

tag(:abbr, 'UN', title: "United Nations")  #=>  <abbr title="United Nations">UN</abbr>

Working with blocks

tag(:div) do
  tag(:p, 'Hello World')
  #  <div>
  #    <p>Hello World</p>
  #  </div>

<% tag(:ul) do %>
  <li>item 1</li>
  <%= tag(:li, 'item 2') %>
  <li>item 3</li>
<% end %>
  #  <ul>
  #    <li>item 1</li>
  #    <li>item 2</li>
  #    <li>item 3</li>
  #  </ul>

 # NOTE: ignores tag contents when given a block
<% tag(:div, 'ignored tag-content') do %>
  <%= tag(:label, 'Comments:', for: :comments) %>
  <%= tag(:textarea,'textarea contents', id: :comments) %>
<% end %>
  #  <div>
  #    <label for="comments">Comments:</label>
  #    <textarea id="comments">
  #      textarea contents
  #    </textarea>
  #  </div>

Boolean attributes

tag(:input, type: :checkbox, checked: true)
  #=> <input checked="checked" type="checkbox">

tag(:option, 'Roda', value: "1" selected: true)
  #=> <option selected="selected" value="1">Roda</option>
tag(:option, 'PHP', value: "0" selected: false)
  #=> <option value="0">PHP</option>

The plugin also have a few other public helper methods:

-- merge_attr_classes(attr, *classes)

Updates attr[:class] in the hash with the given classes and returns attr.

attr = { class: 'alert', id: :idval }
merge_attr_classes(attr, 'alert-info')  
  #=> { class: 'alert alert-info', id: :idval }
merge_attr_classes(attr, [:alert, 'alert-info'])  
  #=> { class: 'alert alert-info', id: :idval }

-- merge_classes(*classes)

Returns an alphabetised string from all given class values.

The method correctly handles a combination of arrays, strings & symbols being passed in.

attr = { class: 'alert', id: :idval }
merge_classes(attr[:class], ['alert', 'alert-info'])  #=> 'alert alert-info'
merge_classes(attr[:class], :text)  #=> 'alert text'
merge_classes(attr[:class], [:text, :'alert-info'])  #=> 'alert alert-info text'

Included Helper methods

The :tags plugin also includes a few useful public helper methods for use within other methods or gems.

-- capture(block='')

Captures and returns a captured ERB block and restores the buffer afterwards.

-- capture_html(*args, &block)

Captures the HTML from a block of template code for ERB or HAML.

def some_method(*args, &block)
 # <snip...>
 res = capture_html(&block)
 # <snip...>

-- concat_content(text="")

Outputs the given content to the buffer directly.

concat_content("This will be concatenated to the buffer")

-- block_is_template?(block)

Returns true if the block is from an ERB or HAML template; false otherwise. Used to determine if contents should be returned or concatenated to output.

2. :tag_helpers Plugin

-- form_tag(action, attrs={}, &block)

Constructs a <form> without an object based on options passed.

form_tag('/register') do 
 #   <form action="/register" id="register-form" method="post">
 #    ...
 #   </form>

Automatically adds a hidden faux method when :method is NOT either POST or GET.

form_tag('/user/1/profile', method: :put, id: 'profile-form')
  #  <form action="/user/1/profile" id="profile-form" method="post" >
  #    <input name="_method" type="hidden" value="put"/>
  #    ...
  #  </form>

Add multipart support via:

form_tag('/upload', multipart: true)
 # or
form_tag('/upload', multipart: 'multipart/form-data')
 # or
form_tag('/upload', enctype: 'multipart/form-data')
  #  <form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" action="/upload">
  #     ...
  #  </form>


-- label_tag(field, attrs={}, &block)

Constructs a <label> tag from the given options.

By default appends ':' to the label name, based upon the plugin config :tags_label_append value.

  #=> <label for="name">Name:</label>
label_tag(:name, label: 'Custom label', class: 'sr-only')
  #=> <label class="sr-only" for="name">Custom label:</label>

 # uses a humanized version of the label name if { label: nil } 
label_tag(:name, label: nil)
  #=> <label for="name">Name:</label>

 # removes the label text when { label: :false }
label_tag(:name, label: false)
  #=> <label for="name"></label>

By default adds '<span>*</span>' to the label name when { required: true } is passed. Based upon the plugin config :tags_label_required_str value.

label_tag(:name, required: true)
  #=> <label for="name">Name: <span>*</span></label>

Label tags also supports passing blocks.

<% label_tag(:remember_me) do %>
  <%= checkbox_tag :remember_me %>
<% end %>
  #  <label for="remember_me">Remember Me:
  #    <input class="checkbox" id="remember_me" name="remember_me" type="checkbox" value="1">
  #  </label>


-- hidden_field_tag(name, attrs={})

Constructs a hidden input field from the given options. Only [:value, :id, :name] attributes are allowed.

  #=> <input id="snippet_name" name="snippet_name" type="hidden">

hidden_field_tag(:csrf, value: 'tokenval')
  #=> <input id="csrf" name="csrf" type="hidden" value="tokenval">

hidden_field_tag(:snippet_id, id: 'some-id')
  #=> <input id="some-id" name="snippet_id" type="hidden">

 # removing the `:id` attribute completely.
hidden_field_tag(:snippet_name, id: false)
  #=> <input name="snippet_name" type="hidden">


-- text_field_tag(name, attrs={})

  - also aliased as textfield_tag()

Creates a standard <input type="text"...> field from the given options.

  #=> <input class="text" id="snippet_name" name="snippet_name" type="text">

text_field_tag(:name, value: 'some-value')
  #=> <input class="text" id="name" name="name" type="text" value="some-value">

text_field_tag(:name, id: 'some-id')
  #=> <input class="text" id="some-id" name="name" type="text">

 # removing the `:id` attribute completely. NB! bad practice.
text_field_tag(:name, id: false)
  #=> <input class="text" name="name" type="text">

 # append a CSS class to the existing class.
text_field_tag(:name, class: :big)
  #=> <input class="big text" id="name" name="name" type="text">

 # adds a `:title` attribute when passed `:ui_hint`
text_field_tag(:name, ui_hint: 'a user hint')
  #=> <input class="text" id="name" name="name" title="a user hint" type="text">

 # supports `:maxlength` & `:size` attributes
text_field_tag(:ip, maxlength: 15, size: 20)
  #=> <input class="text" id="ip" maxlength="15" name="ip" size="20" type="text">

 # `:disabled` attribute
text_field_tag(:name, disabled: true)
  #=> <input class="text" disabled="disabled" id="name" name="name" type="text">

 # `:readonly` attribute
text_field_tag(:name, readonly: true)
  #=> <input class="text" id="name" name="name" readonly="readonly" type="text">


-- password_field_tag(name, attrs={})

  - also aliased as passwordfield_tag()

Constructs a <input type="password"...> field from the given options.

  #=> <input class="text" id="snippet_name" name="snippet_name" type="password">

password_field_tag(:snippet_name, value: 'some-value')
  #=> <input class="text" id="snippet_name" name="snippet_name" type="password" value="some-value">

password_field_tag(:snippet_name, id: 'some-id')
  #=> <input class="text" id="some-id" name="snippet_name" type="password">

password_field_tag(:snippet_name, id: false)
  #=> <input class="text" name="snippet_name" type="password">

 # append a CSS class to the existing class. Default class: `.text`.
password_field_tag(:snippet_name, class: :big )
  #=> <input class="big text" id="snippet_name" name="snippet_name" type="password">

 # adds a `:title` attribute when passed `:ui_hint`
password_field_tag(:name, ui_hint: 'a user hint')
  #=> <input class="text" id="name" name="name" title="a user hint" type="password">

 # supports `:maxlength` & `:size` attributes
password_field_tag(:ip_address, maxlength: 15, size: 20)
  #=> <input class="text" id="ip_address" maxlength="15" name="ip_address" size="20" type="password">

 # `disabled` attribute
password_field_tag(:name, disabled: true)
password_field_tag(:name, disabled: :disabled)
  #=> <input class="text" id="name" disabled="disabled" name="name" type="password">


-- file_field_tag(name, attrs={})

  - also aliased as filefield_tag()

Creates an <input type="file"...> field from given options.

NOTE! If you are using file uploads then you will also need to set the multipart option for the form tag, like this:

<% form_tag('/upload', multipart: true) do %>
  <%= label_tag(:file, label: "File to Upload") %>
  <%= file_field_tag "file" %>
  <%= submit_tag %>
<% end %>

The specified URL will then be passed a File object containing the selected file, or if the field was left blank, a StringIO object.

  #=> <input class="file" id="attachment" name="attachment" type="file">

 # ignores invalid :value attribute.
file_field_tag(:photo, value: 'some-value')
  #=> <input class="file" id="photo" name="photo" type="file">

file_field_tag(:photo, id: 'some-id')
  #=> <input class="file" id="some-id" name="photo" type="file">

 # removing the `:id` attribute completely. NB! bad practice.
file_field_tag(:photo, id: false)
  #=> <input class="file" name="photo" type="file">

 # append a CSS class to the existing class. Default class: `.file`.
file_field_tag(:photo, class: :big )
  #=> <input class="big file" id="photo" name="photo" type="file">

 # adds a `:title` attribute when passed `:ui_hint`.
file_field_tag(:photo, ui_hint: 'a user hint')
  #=> <input class="file" id="photo" name="photo" title="a user hint" type="file">

 # `:disabled` attribute
file_field_tag(:photo, disabled: true)
  #=> <input class="file" disabled="disabled" id="photo" name="photo" type="file">

 # `:accept` attribute is subject to actual browser support.
file_field_tag(:photo, accept: 'image/png,image/jpeg' )
  #=> <input accept="image/png,image/jpeg" class="file" id="photo" name="photo" type="file">


-- textarea_tag(name, attrs={})

  - also aliased as text_area_tag()

Constructs a textarea input from the given options.

TODO: enable :escape functionality. How??

  • :escape - By default, the contents of the text input are HTML escaped. If you need unescaped contents, set this to false.
  #=> <textarea id="post" name="post">\n</textarea>

 # add a value
textarea_tag(:bio, value: @actor.bio)
  #=> <textarea id="bio" name="bio">This is my biography.\n</textarea>

 # set a different :id
textarea_tag(:body, id: 'some-id')
  #=> <textarea id="some-id" name="post">...</textarea>

 # adds a CSS class. NB! :textarea have no default class.
textarea_tag(:body, class: 'big')
  #=> <textarea class="big" id="post" name="post">...</textarea>

 # adds a `:title` attribute when passed `:ui_hint`
textarea_tag(:body, ui_hint: 'a user hint')
  #=> <textarea id="post" name="post" title="a user hint">...</textarea>

 # supports `:rows` & `:cols` attributes
textarea_tag('body', rows: 10, cols: 25)
  #=> <textarea cols="25" id="body" name="body" rows="10">...</textarea>

 # alternative `:size` shortcut to set `:rows` & `:cols` 
textarea_tag('body', size: "25x10")
  #=> <textarea cols="25" id="body" name="body" rows="10">...</textarea>

 # `:disabled` attribute
textarea_tag(:description, disabled: true)
  #=> <textarea disabled="disabled" id="description" name="description">...</textarea>
 # `:readonly` attribute
textarea_tag(:description, readonly: true)
  #=> <textarea id="description" name="description" readonly="readonly">...</textarea>


-- field_set_tag(*args, &block)

  - also aliased as fieldset_tag()

Creates a <fieldset..> tag for grouping HTML form elements.

  #  <fieldset id="fieldset-actor">
  #    <legend>Actor</legend>
  #     ...
  #  </fieldset>

 # sets the `<legend>` and `:id` attribute when given a single argument.
field_set_tag('User Details') do
  #  <fieldset id="fieldset-user-details">
  #    <legend>User Details</legend>
  #    ...
  #  </fieldset>

 # supports `:legend` attribute
field_set_tag(:actor, legend: 'Details')
  #  <fieldset id="fieldset-actor">
  #    <legend>Details</legend>
  #    <snip...>

 # remove `<legend>` tag by  `{ legend: false }`
field_set_tag(:actor, legend: 'Details')
  #  <fieldset id="fieldset-actor">
  #    <legend>Details</legend>
  #    <snip...>

 # append a CSS class. NB! fieldset has no other class by default.
field_set_tag(:actor, class: 'legend-class')
  #  <fieldset class="legend-class" id="fieldset-actor">
  #    <snip...>

 # default to 'fieldset' when passed `nil` as the first arg
field_set_tag(nil, class: 'format')
  #  <fieldset class="format" id="fieldset">
  #    <snip...>

 # removing the `:id` attribute completely
field_set_tag('Users', id: false)
  #  <fieldset>
  #    <legend>Users</legend>
  #    <snip...>


-- legend_tag(contents, attrs={})

Return a legend with contents from the given options.

legend_tag('User Details')
  #=> <legend>User Details</legend>

 # adding an :id attribute.
legend_tag('User', id: 'some-id')
  #=> <legend id="some-id">User</legend>

 # adds a CSS class. NB! legend tags have no default class
legend_tag('User', class: 'some-class')
  #=> <legend class="some-class">User</legend>


-- check_box_tag(name, attrs={})

  - also aliased as checkbox_tag()

Creates an <input type="checkbox"...> tag from the given options.

check_box_tag(:accept) || checkbox_tag(:accept)
  #=> <input class="checkbox" id="accept" name="accept" type="checkbox" value="1">

 # providing a value
check_box_tag(:rock, value: 'rock music')
  #=> <input class="checkbox" id="rock" name="rock" type="checkbox" value="rock music">

 # setting a different :id
check_box_tag(:rock, :id => 'some-id')
  #=> <input class="checkbox" id="some-id" name="rock" type="checkbox" value="1">

 # append a CSS class. NB! default class: '.checkbox'
check_box_tag(:rock, class: 'small')
  #=> <input class="small checkbox" id="rock" name="rock" type="checkbox" value="1">

 # adds a `:title` attribute when passed `:ui_hint`
check_box_tag(:rock, ui_hint: 'a user hint')
  #=> <input class="checkbox" id="rock" name="rock" title="a user hint" type="checkbox" value="1">

 # `checked` attribute
check_box_tag(:rock, checked: true)
  #=> <input checked="checked" class="checkbox" id="rock" name="rock" type="checkbox" value="1">

 # `disabled` attribute
check_box_tag(:rock, disabled: true)
  #=> <input class="checkbox" disabled="disabled" id="rock" name="rock" type="checkbox" value="1">


-- radio_button_tag(name, attrs={})

  - also aliased as radiobutton_tag()

Creates a <input type="radio"...> tag from the given options.

NOTE! use groups of radio buttons named the same to allow users to select from a group of options.

radio_button_tag(:accept) || radiobutton_tag(:accept)
  #=> <input class="radio" id="accept_1" name="accept" type="radio" value="1">

radio_button_tag(:rock, value:'rock music')
  #=> <input class="radio" id="rock_rock-music" name="rock" type="radio" value="rock music">

 # setting a different :id.
radio_button_tag(:rock, id: 'some-id')  
  #=> <input class="radio" id="some-id_1" name="rock" type="radio" value="1">

 # append a CSS class. NB! default class: '.radio'
radio_button_tag(:rock, class: 'big')  
  #=> <input class="big radio" id="rock_1" name="rock" type="radio" value="1">

 # adds a `:title` attribute when passed `:ui_hint`
radio_button_tag(:rock, ui_hint: 'a user hint')  
  #=> <input class="radio" id="rock_1" value="1" name="rock" title="a user hint" type="radio">

 # `checked` attribute
radio_button_tag(:yes, checked: true)
  #=> <input checked="checked" class="radio" id="yes_1" name="yes" type="radio" value="1">

 # `disabled` attribute
radio_button_tag(:yes, disabled: true)
  #=> <input disabled="disabled" class="radio" id="yes_1" name="yes" type="radio" value="1">


-- submit_tag(value="Save Form", attrs={})

  - also aliased as submit_button()

Creates a submit button with the text value as the caption.

submit_tag()  || submit_button()
  #=> <input name="submit" type="submit" value="Save Form">

  #=> <input name="submit" type="submit" value="">
submit_tag('Custom Value')
  #=> <input name="submit" type="submit" value="Custom Value">

 # adds a CSS class. NB! input[:submit] has no other class by default.
submit_tag(class: 'some-class')
  #=> <input class="some-class" name="submit" type="submit" value="Save Form">

 # supports the :disabled attribute.
submit_tag('disabled: true)
  #=> <input disabled="disabled" name="submit" type="submit" value="Save Form">

 # adds a `:title` attribute when passed `:ui_hint`.
submit_tag(ui_hint: 'a user hint')
  #=> <input name="submit" title="a user hint" type="submit" value="Save Form">


-- image_submit_tag(src, attrs={})

Adds a <input src=""...> tag which displays an image.

@img = '/img/btn.png'

  #=> <input src="/img/btn.png" type="image">

image_submit_tag(@img, disabled: true)
  #=> <input disabled="disabled" src="/img/btn.png" type="image">

image_submit_tag(@img, class 'search-button')
  #=> <input class="search-button" src="/img/btn.png" type="image">


-- reset_tag(value='Reset Form', attrs={})

  - also aliased as reset_button()

Creates a reset button with the text value as the caption.

reset_tag() || reset_button()
  #=> <input name="reset" type="reset" value="Reset Form">

  #=> <input name="reset" type="reset" value="">

reset_tag('Custom Value')
  #=> <input name="reset" type="reset" value="Custom Value">

 # adds a CSS class. NB! input[:reset] has no other class by default
reset_tag(class: 'some-class')
  #=> <input class="some-class" name="reset" type="reset" value="Reset Form">

 # supports the `:disabled` attribute
reset_tag(disabled: true)
  #=> <input disabled="disabled" name="reset" type="reset" value="Reset Form"> 

 # adds a `:title` attribute when passed `:ui_hint`
reset_tag(ui_hint: 'a user hint')
  #=> <input name="reset" title="a user hint" type="submit" value="Reset Form">


-- select_tag(name, options, attrs={})

Creates a <select..> tag (dropdown menu), including the various select options.

Note! the format for the options values must be [value, key].

Passing options values as a Hash.

select_tag(:letters, {a: 'A', b: 'B' })
  #  <select id="letters" name="letters">
  #   <option value="a">A</option>
  #   <option value="b">B</option>
  #  </select>

Passing options values as an Array.

@letters = [[:a,'A'], [:b,'B']]

select_tag(:letters, @letters)
  #  <select id="letters" name="letters">
  #    <option value="a">A</option>
  #    <option value="b">B</option>
  #  </select>

Handling passed options:

select_tag(:letters, @letters, disabled: true)
  #  <select id="letters" disabled="disabled" name="letters">
  #    <snip...>

select_tag(:letters, @letters, id: 'my-letters')
  #  <select id="my-letters" name="letters">
  #    <snip...>

select_tag(:letters, @letters, class: 'funky-select')
  #  <select class="funky-select" id="my-letters" name="letters">
  #    <snip...>

Handling the prompt value:

select_tag(:letters, @letters, prompt: true)
   #  <select id="letters" name="letters">
   #    <option selected="selected" value="">- Select -</option>
   #    <snip...>

 # setting a custom prompt
select_tag(:letters, @letters, prompt: 'Top Letters', selected: 'a')
   #  <select id="letters" name="letters">
   #    <option value="">Top Letters</option>
   #    <option selected="selected" value="a">A</option>
   #    <snip...>

Adding :selected option.

select_tag(:letters, @letters, selected: :a)
  #  <select id="letters" name="letters">
  #    <option selected="selected" value="a">A</option>
  #    <snip...>

When passing multiple items to :selected option or setting the { multiple: true } option, the select menu automatically becomes a multiple select box.

NOTE! the name="letters[]" attribute.

select_tag(:letters, @letters, selected: [:a,'b'])
  #  <select id="letters" multiple="multiple" name="letters[]">
  #    <option selected="selected" value="a">A</option>
  #    <option selected="selected" value="b">B</option>
  #  </select>

select_tag(:letters, @letters, multiple: true)
  #  <select id="letters" name="letters[]" multiple="multiple">
  #    <snip...>


-- select_option(value, key, attrs={})

Creates an <option...> tag for <select...> menus.

select_option('a', 'Letter A')
  #=> <option value="a">Letter A</option>

select_option('on', '')  # , nil)
  #=> <option value="on">On</option>
 # handling selected options
select_option('a', 'Letter A', selected: true)
  #=> <option selected="selected" value="a">Letter A</option>

select_option('a', 'Letter A', selected: false)
  #=> <option value="a">Letter A</option>


-- faux_method(method='PUT')

 faux_method() #=> <input name="_method" type="hidden" value="PUT">

 # handling DELETE requests
 faux_method(:delete) #=> <input name="_method" type="hidden" value="DELETE">


Plugin Configurations

The default settings should help you get moving quickly, and are fairly common sense based.

However the :tags plugin supports these config options:


Sets the HTML output format, toggling between HTML 5 (false) and XHTML (true). Default is: false.

This option is retained for legacy support and in memory of the "good old days" ;-).


Sets the formatting of the HTML output, whether it should be more compact in nature or slightly better formatted. Default is: true.

The :tag_helpers plugin supports these config options:


Sets the formatting of the string appended to required <label...> tags. Default is: '<span>*</span>'.


Sets the formatting of the string appended to <label...> tags. Default is: ':'.


Sets the default class value for form tags. Default is: '' (empty).

This is a shortcut to automatically add something like Bootstrap support with 'form-control'


Config options set in :tag_helpers are passed on to the :tags plugin.

 # <snip...>
 # support legacy XHTML formatted output
plugin :tag_helpers, { tag_output_format_is_xhtml: true, ... }
 # <snip...>


If the above is not clear enough, please check the specs for a better understanding.

Errors / Bugs

If something is not behaving intuitively, it is a bug, and should be reported. Report it here: http://github.com/kematzy/roda-tags/issues


  • Keep it up to date with any changes in Roda or HTML.

  • Decide on if it's worth it to do validity checks on all attributes passed to tags ie: reject attributes based upon what is allowed for the tag.

    tag(:base, href: 'url', target: '_self', id: 'is-ignored') 
      #=> <base href="url", target="_self">
  • Decide on whether to add a number of convenience tags (methods), such as:

    • meta(name, contents)

    • img(src, attrs={})

  • Any other improvements we may think of.


This Gem depends upon the following:


  • roda (>= 2.5.0)
  • tilt
  • erubis

Development & Tests:

  • bundler (~> 1.10)

  • rake (~> 10.0)

  • minitest

  • minitest-hooks

  • minitest-rg

  • rack-test

  • nokogiri => for the assert_have_tag() tests

  • simplecov

Note on Patches/Pull Requests

  • Fork the project.
  • Make your feature addition or bug fix.
  • Add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally.
  • Commit, do not mess with Rakefile, version, or history.
    • (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull)
  • Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.


Copyright (c) 2010-2015 Kematzy

Released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for further details.

Code Inspirations:

  • The ActiveSupport gem by DHH & Rails Core Team