Turn any Raspberry Pi into a PXE Server!

Primary LanguageShell

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A PXE Server for Raspberry Pis


This shell application is designed to work with all Raspberry Pi models. It is simple and lightweight.

When installed, it will turn your Raspberry Pi into a PXE Server that will help other Raspberry Pis in your network to boot from the network.

You can choose to hold the files in:

  1. A NAS server in your network (recommended)
  2. An attached storage device in your Raspberry Pi
  3. The boot device of your Raspberry Pi (SD Card - not recommended | SATA Hard Disk - OK)

How to Install


All rights are reserved by Jorge Pabón.

Free to use for personal use. Use of this application for commercial purposes without a license is not authorized. For licensing costs contact Jorge Pabón at pianistapr@hotmail.com.