
Primary LanguageC#GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0

VRChat API Reader

VPM Package Version Code Coverage


This package exposes various information from the VRChat API to VRChat's Udon system, where it can be used in the creation of VRChat Worlds.

This information includes VRChat World stats such as visits and current occcupants, as well as user membership/roles from VRChat Groups and/or Discord Servers, all of which are not otherwise possible to access within Udon. By syncing Discord roles with third-party platforms such as Patreon or Gumroad, VRChat world creators can use this system to automatically provide in-world incentives to users who support their work financially.

The package accomplishes this by pairing with a companion GitHub Actions workflow (the VRChat Api Tracker system), which uses the VRChat API and/or a Discord Bot to gather the desired data. That information is published to GitHub Pages, where it can then be consumed by this package via Remote String Loading. A template repository for quickly and easily configuring this workflow is provided in the instructions below.



Overview Video

Step-by-Step Tutorial

Coming Soon!


Before using this package, you must configure your own instance of the VRChat Api Tracker system. Visit this template repository and create your own repository from it, then following the instructions in the README to configure tracking of your desired information. Afterwards, you can return to this package and use it to access the tracked data in your VRChat World.


Install via the VCC Package Listing.


Add the provided Reader Component to any GameObject in your scene. Connect to your tracked data by using the inspector to set the Data Url property to your GitHub Pages data.json Url from the final step of configuring your VRChat Role Tracker instance.

If you want to execute code immediately upon this loading process completing (or any future data refreshes), see Inheritance.

For a full list of available methods, see API.

Configuring Automatic Data Refreshes

You can configure the frequency at which the downloaded data will be refreshed by modifying the Hours To Wait After Update and Minutes To Wait Between Refreshes fields in the Reader's inspector.

Hours To Wait After Update is set to a default of 1 hour. This is how long your Reader will wait after the most recent time your data.json file was updated, which is stored in the fileTimeUtc JSON property. Because the VRChat Api Tracker system is set to run once an hour by default, this default configuration will match that rate and avoid checking for updates until an hour has passed.

Minutes To Wait Between Refreshes is set to a default of 5 minutes. This is how long your Reader will wait after its most recent attempt to refresh your data. These refresh attempts will only start occuring after the previous Hours To Wait After Update condition has been satisfied. For example, with both settings on default, the Reader will wait 1 hour after a data.json update to start checking for new data. It will then do this every 5 minutes until new data is found. After new data is found, it will wait another hour before repeating this process indefinitely.

Reader provides a bool property named IsReady which determines if the remote string loading process has been completed. All of the following methods will return false until this process has finished, so you should always check IsReady before using them.


You can make your own subclass of the Reader component to hook into the remote string loading process and execute code as soon as the data is ready. This is useful for quickly cacheing data to be used later, such as whether or not the local user is a Moderator.

Here is an example of a Reader subclass named ReaderTest which logs whether or not the local user is a Moderator as soon as the Reader is ready:

using Kemocade.Vrc.Api.Reader;
using UnityEngine;

public class ReaderTest : Reader
    public override void OnRefresh() => Debug.Log(IsModeratorAnywhereLocal());



Method Parameters Returns Description
Refresh void Manually force the remote data to be refreshed
IsReady bool If remote data has successfully been downloaded at least one time and is ready to be accessed


Method Parameters Returns Description
TryGetFileTimeUtc out long fileTimeUtc bool If a valid fileTimeUtc could be found in the downloaded data
TryGetDateTime out DateTime dateTime bool If a valid DateTime could be parsed from the downloaded data

VRC World Data

Method Parameters Returns Description
TryGetVrcWorldName out string name, string vrcWorldId bool If a valid name could be found for the given VRC World
TryGetVrcWorldVisits out int visits, string vrcWorldId bool If a valid visits count could be found for the given VRC World
TryGetVrcWorldFavorites out int favorites, string vrcWorldId bool If a valid favorites count could be found for the given VRC World
TryGetVrcWorldOccupants out int occupants, string vrcWorldId bool If a valid occupants count could be found for the given VRC World

VRC Group Data

Method Parameters Returns Description
TryGetVrcGroupName out string name, string vrcGroupId bool If a valid name could be found for the given VRC Group
TryGetVrcGroupMemberCount out int memberCount, string vrcGroupId bool If a valid memberCount could be found for the given VRC Group
TryGetDisplayNamesFromVrcGroupMembers out string[] displayNames, string vrcGroupId bool If valid displayNames could be found for the given VRC Group
TryGetDisplayNamesFromVrcGroupMembersWithRole out string[] displayNames, string vrcGroupId, string vrcGroupRoleId bool If valid displayNames could be found for the given role in the given VRC Group

VRC Group Member Data by Display Name

Method Parameters Returns Description
IsVrcGroupMember string name, string vrcGroupId bool If the given user is a member of the given VRC Group
HasVrcGroupRole string name, string vrcGroupId, string vrcGroupRoleId bool If the given user has the given role in the given VRC Group
IsVrcGroupAdmin string name, string vrcGroupId bool If the given user is the owner of the given VRC Group
IsVrcGroupModerator string name, string vrcGroupId bool If the given user has any role with instance moderation permissions in the VRC Group

VRC Group Member Data for Local User

Method Parameters Returns Description
IsVrcGroupMemberLocal string vrcGroupId bool If the local user is a member of the given VRC Group
HasVrcGroupRoleLocal string vrcGroupId, string vrcGroupRoleId bool If the local user has the given role in the given VRC Group
IsVrcGroupAdminLocal string vrcGroupId bool If the local user is the owner of the given VRC Group
IsVrcGroupModeratorLocal string vrcGroupId bool If the local user has any role with instance moderation permissions in the VRC Group

Discord Server Data

Method Parameters Returns Description
TryGetDiscordServerName out string name, string discordGuildId bool If a valid name could be found for the given Discord Server
TryGetDiscordServerMemberCount out int memberCount, string discordGuildId bool If a valid memberCount could be found for the given Discord Server
TryGetDiscordVrcLinkedMemberCount out int vrcLinkedMemberCount, string discordGuildId bool If a valid memberCount could be found for the given Discord Server's members who have been linked with VRC users
TryGetDisplayNamesFromDiscordVrcLinkedMembers out string[] displayNames, string discordGuildId bool If valid displayNames could be found for the given Discord Server's members who have been linked with VRC users
TryGetDisplayNamesFromDiscordVrcLinkedMembersWithRole out string[] displayNames, string discordGuildId, string discordRoleId bool If valid displayNames could be found for the given role in the given Discord Server's members who have been linked with VRC users

Discord Server Member Data by Display Name

Method Parameters Returns Description
IsDiscordMember string name, string discordGuildId bool If the given user is a member of the given Discord Server
HasDiscordRole string name, string discordGuildId, string discordRoleId bool If the given user has the given role in the given Discord Server
IsDiscordAdmin string name, string discordGuildId bool If the given user has any role with Admin permissions in the given Discord Server
IsDiscordModerator string name, string discordGuildId bool If the given user has any role with Moderation permissions in the given Discord Server

Discord Server Member Data for Local User

Method Parameters Returns Description
IsDiscordMemberLocal string discordGuildId bool If the local user is a member of the given Discord Server
HasDiscordRoleLocal string discordGuildId, string discordRoleId bool If the local user has the given role in the given Discord Server
IsDiscordAdminLocal string discordGuildId bool If the local user has any role with Admin permissions in the given Discord Server
IsDiscordModeratorLocal string discordGuildId bool If the local user has any role with Moderation permissions in the given Discord Server

Combined Data by Display Name

Method Parameters Returns Description
IsAdminAnywhere string name bool If the given user has any role with Admin permissions across any tracked VRC Groups or Discord Servers
IsModeratorAnywhere string name bool If the given user has any role with Moderation permissions across any tracked VRC Groups or Discord Servers

Combined Data for Local User

Method Parameters Returns Description
IsAdminAnywhereLocal bool If the local user has any role with Admin permissions across any tracked VRC Groups or Discord Servers
IsModeratorAnywhereLocal bool If the local user has any role with Moderation permissions across any tracked VRC Groups or Discord Servers