
This is a tiny tool to show the diskusage of the Windows.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


This is a tiny tool to show the diskusage of the Windows.
This tool was created for Windows environments where you cannot casually type "df -h" to check disk space.



First, add my scoop-bucket.

scoop bucket add kemokemo-bucket https://github.com/kemokemo/scoop-bucket.git

Next, install this app by running the following.

scoop install diskusage


Get the latest version from the release page, and download the archive file for your operating system/architecture. Unpack the archive, and put the binary somewhere in your $PATH.


$ diskusage
## IEC size (like Windows)
Total: 237 GiB, Free: 156 GiB, Available: 156 GiB
## SI size
Total: 255 GB, Free: 167 GB, Available: 167 GB
