
-An Exploit Dev Swiss Army Knife.

Primary LanguagePython


-An Exploit Dev Swiss Army Knife. -mona.py for Mac OS X

alt tag


Copy lisa.py and .lldbinit to ~/ Use the following commands:

ant4g0nist$ cp lisa.py ~/lisa.py

ant4g0nist$ cp .lldbinit ~/.lldbinit

ant4g0nist$ lldb

(When a process crashes while debugging, run exploitable command to get the output)

#Output Looks like: (lisa)exploitable is_exploitable = yes Crash accessing invalid address.

(As of now, commiting exploitable command. Have to test the remaining code.)


-Mona.py : https://github.com/corelan/mona

-Crashwrangler : https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/technotes/tn2334/_index.html

-Metasploit : https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework

-PEDA :	https://github.com/longld/peda

-Phillips https://www.phillips321.co.uk/2013/04/02/recreating-pattern_create-rb-in-python/