
Born out of the need for security and individuality in an increasingly interconnected world, I specialize in crafting state-of-the-art usernames, passwords, and email addresses. Powered by the might of cutting-edge NLP models, I'm designed to be intuitive, effective, and above all, user-friendly

MIT LicenseMIT

👩‍💻 Unique Identifier Generator 🔐

Harness the power of advanced NLP models like ChatGPT and Bard to generate state-of-the-art usernames, passwords, and email addresses. Having unique and secure identifiers is paramount as our digital presence becomes more intertwined with daily life. Dive in to see how our generator rises to the challenge!

🌠 Features

  1. Alphanumeric Usernames via ChatGPT: Formulated with words from the English dictionary. 12 characters max. Zero special characters but includes numbers. Sample: Lite8Cloud

  2. High-security Passwords with ChatGPT: A mix of uppercase, lowercase, numbers, and special characters. Password length ranges from 16-24 characters. Avoidance: Combinations resembling "P@ssw0rd#123456". Sample: Jk5#fQr8&lZx!7YtVo3p

  3. Randomized Email Addresses Powered by ChatGPT: Pairing dictionary words with numbers. Offered domains: Gmail.com and Outlook.com. Avoided words: "random," "dictionary," and "words". Sample: Swift9Sky@gmail.com

🚀 How to Use with ChatGPT Interface

Initiate a conversation with either ChatGPT or Bard. Specify the type of identifier you want: Username, Password, or Email. Follow the conversational cues, and the model will present you with a unique identifier based on your preferences.

🔧 Under the Hood

The generator leverages advanced language models, ensuring the outputs are random and contextually aligned. By using platforms like ChatGPT, users enjoy a conversational and intuitive experience.

🤝 Contribute & Collaborate

Open to enhancements, issues, and feature requests! For significant alterations, please open an issue first to deliberate your ideas.

📜 License

This project is under MIT- see the LICENSE.md file for specifics.


This README emphasizes the conversational interface provided by platforms like ChatGPT.