
Restaurant app that lets users input the names of burgers they'd like to eat

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Online Burger Eating Application

Application is deployed to Heroku (https://enigmatic-peak-41840.herokuapp.com/)

Instructions to spin up your own version:

  • Clone this repository: https://github.com/drunnals313/Eat-Da-Burger
  • In the Bash Command Terminal Window use the following commands to install the necessary node package manager packages and node modules:
    • npm init -y
    • npm i express
    • npm i body-parser
    • npm i express-handlebars
    • npm i mysql
    • npm i method-override
  • In the command terminal, navigate to the folder you cloned this repository's code to.
  • In the command terminal, type "node server" to make sure the application is listening on the correct port.