Generate a pull requests report for GitHub release. like
Last release time is 8/14/2015 6:46:52 PM
New merged pull requests:
1. #1737 refactor(favicon): do not use querySelector by @L42y
2. #1736 fix search icon margin problem by @loddit
3. #1735 fix: channel switching shortcuts by @L42y
4. #1734 fix: cleanup NW leftover by @L42y
5. #1731 fix: scale image proportionally to fit in screen by @L42y
6. #1721 Snippet ext close #1705 by @loddit
It design for Pull Request Workflow
|+--------------------------------------+ |
||+---------+ | |
Fork -> ||| Commits | -> Pull Requests -> Merge | -> Release |
||+---------+ | |
|+--------------------------------------+ |
Publish a Github release is a important part of our team(BearyInnovative)`s workflow. It happened before every deployment for prodution envivornment.
It benefits us quite a lot in these case:
- Rollback, Our CI tool can deploy code with a definite tag (release)
- Review, It help us to know the accurate time of features or bug fixes online
Legilimens help you generate release report with pull requests info
- Edit a config file in legilimens`s repo folder to setup GitHub account and repo
"username": // your github login name
"password": // your github password
"repo_path": // as github/hubut in
"repo_branch": // prs' base branch, eg: `master`
Install packages
npm install
Run Script
npm start
For Hofix
npm start [hotfix-branch-name]
In Harry Potter`s Magic World, Legilimens is the spell used for the practice of Legilimency (OP24). Legilimens is presumably used non-verbally whenever someone uses the arts of Legilimency to obtain information. However, there may be subtler ways to do this.
More info at Harry Potter Wiki
@loddit 2015