
ResourceFlow is a CLI tool for copying and managing resource files in your projects. It simplifies the process of moving assets, images, or other resources from one directory to another.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


ResourceFlow is a CLI tool for copying and managing resource files in your projects. It simplifies the process of moving assets, images, or other resources from one directory to another.


  • Copy resources from one directory to another effortlessly.
  • Configurable through a simple JavaScript configuration file.
  • Provides clear logs for success, warnings, and errors.
  • Lightweight and easy to use.


To install ResourceFlow, use the following command:

npm install -g resourceflow


ResourceFlow works through two main commands:

1. Initialize Configuration File

To create a default configuration file in your project directory, run:

npx resourceflow init

This will generate a file named resourceflow.config.js in your project directory with the following content:

export default {
    resourceFlow: [
            source: 'resources/assets',
            destination: 'public/assets'
            source: 'resources/images',
            destination: 'public/images'

You can modify this file to suit your specific needs.

2. Run Copy Command

After setting up the configuration file, run the following command to copy the resources:

npx resourceflow

ResourceFlow will read the resourceflow.config.js file and copy files as specified in the configuration.

Configuration File Structure

The configuration file (resourceflow.config.js) should export an object with a resourceFlow property. This property should be an array of objects, each specifying:

  • source: The directory of the files to copy.
  • destination: The target directory where the files will be copied.


export default {
    resourceFlow: [
            source: 'resources/assets',
            destination: 'public/assets'
            source: 'resources/images',
            destination: 'public/images'

Example Workflow

  1. Install ResourceFlow globally:

    npm install -g resourceflow
  2. Initialize the configuration file:

    npx resourceflow init
  3. Modify resourceflow.config.js if needed.

  4. Run the copy command:

    npx resourceflow

Logs and Messages

ResourceFlow provides color-coded messages for better clarity:

  • Success (Green): Indicates successful copy operations.
  • Warnings (Yellow): Alerts you if the configuration file already exists during initialization.
  • Errors (Red): Displays issues, such as missing directories or invalid configurations.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.

Created By

This project was developed by Kenan Gündoğan. Contributions and feedback are welcome!


Contributions are welcome! If you have ideas or find bugs, feel free to open an issue or create a pull request on the GitHub repository.
