#Pluralsight Intro to Java testing

Writing good tests - Live coding

- In the Cafe class brew() method will create a bad instance of the Coffee class. This will allow for testing
when tests fail.

Diagnostic messages

The 3 parameter assertEquals() allows for a message to be displayed when tests fail.

assertEquals("Wrong coffee type", Espresso, coffee.getType());

Do repeat Yourself

In CafeTest use the helper method cafeWithBeans() to set up the tests. This is better then repeating this code in each test method.

Remove magic numbers

Hard coded values replaced with constants.

Before and After annotations

JUnit will run these blocks of code before each test (or all tests)

	 @Before                 // Before each test method runs
	 @After                  // After each test method runs
	 @BeforeClass            // Before all tests in the class
	 @AfterClass             // After all tests in the class

Before/After class should be annotating static methods.

Since a cafe will always be created before a test, its instantiation is being moved to the "before" annotated method.


A library for creating compositional matchers.

JUnit comes with the core of Hamcrest built in. To get additional features add it to dependencies



Hamstring has a large library of methods.
