Code base for the android, ios, and responseive web apps for which is a directory of local black-owned businesses that users can find to support
Find an issue and comment that you are going to handle it so we don't get duplicate effort on the same issue. If you are unable to solve the issue, let us know in the comments so someone else can take it.
Join our slack and let us know what you can do and we'll let you know how you can help!
If you clone this repo and realize you do not have permission to push directly to this repo check out this article to learn how to fork and make a pull request
Use the issues section on this page to let us know!
The app is built with Expo + NextJS and is hosted/deployed on Vercel (formerly
Absolutely Critical: JavaScript
Helps a lot: Git/GitHub,, React/React Native, NextJS, CSS, HTML, Understanding fetching JSON data from an API
# clone the repo
git clone
# change your directory into the greenbook repo
cd greenbook-app
# install node modules
npm install
# install expo
npm install expo-cli --global
# run
expo start
# run nextjs (for web)
# this should make http://localhost:3000 available in your web browser
npx next dev
Use the app that opens on your localhost as well as an android and ios device to test everything you develop on both android and ios so that you do not get too far into development without properly supporting each device.
Use your web browser and check both mobile and desktop sized views to ensure the responsive web app works on all device sizes.
When necessary, is the isWeb flag to determine when to use web compatible components and methods or mobile device options.
Our slack is at if you want to be part of the community. We have a channel specifically for the coders to collaborate on.
make a video optimized for web
ffmpeg -y -i -c:v libx264 -crf 23 -profile:v high -pix_fmt yuv420p -color_primaries 1 -color_trc 1 -colorspace 1 -movflags +faststart -an signUp.mp4