
TenFourFox Intel i386 binaries, and portfiles to build using MacPorts

Primary LanguageTcl


portfiles to build tenfourfox using MacPorts.

Presently this builds for Intel only -- PPC builds will be added soon (as soon as I sort out how to properly detect the Power chip variants using TCL)

To use this repository, first clone it to your local drive.

To do this successfully on any older system that you would be using tenfourfox on, you will first need to install a current version of git using MacPorts, of course:

sudo port -v install git

and then:

cd /opt
sudo git clone https://github.com/kencu/tenfourfox-macports.git

And then tell your installation of MacPorts to use it as an additional repository. We will place this after the main MacPorts repository, so as not to interfere with any ports in the main repository.

assuming you installed MacPorts into /opt/local, edit the sources.conf file with your favourite text editor:

bbedit /opt/local/etc/macports/sources.conf

and add the following source to the end of the file. Note -- there are THREE slashes after "file:" so you might just copy and paste this line.


then save the file, and sync your ports.

sudo port -v sync

And then you can install tenfourfox, or tenfourfox-devel

sudo port -v install tenfourfox