This is just a simple web app where you can create books or delete them once they already exist, you can also indicate if you have read the book before, at the moment you create it or after creating the book.
- bootstrap
- JavaScript
- Go to the main page of the repo.
- Press the "Code" button and get the repo link.
- Then run
git clone
in your console to download the project
👤 Adan Fernandez Bonilla
- GitHub: Github: balerum03
- LinkedIn: LinkedIn: Adan Fernandez Bonilla
- Twitter: Twitter: balerum03
👤 Kender Bolivar
- GitHub: @kenderb
- Twitter: @KBTarts
- LinkedIn: KenderBolivar
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
- Odin project.
- Stackoverflow.
This project is MIT licensed.