
Pagination with greenDAO

Primary LanguageJava

greenDAOPagination Service


This greenDAO pagination library service is to paginate through your greenDAO. You can get the items from dao object in pagination in single line.
which results the records for first page(Where is 1 is the pageNumber).

How to use:

  • Copy the GreenDAODataPaginationService.java into your project
  • Call like below
  • // 10 is the items per page i want to get
     GreenDAODataPaginationService userDAOPagination = new GreenDAODataPaginationService(userDao,10,userDao.class);
                ArrayList <Object> users = userDAOPagination.getRecordsForPage(1);
                // This prints the first userID


    Lets take you have a userDAO object referring table like below

    To paginate through this table with 10 items per page
    Step1: GreenDAODataPaginationService userDAOPagination = new GreenDAODataPaginationService(userDao,10,userDao.class);
    Step2: userDAOPagination.getRecordsForPage(1); // ==> Returns Records 1 to 10
    userDAOPagination.getRecordsForPage(2); // ==> Returns Records 11 to 20

    Basic useful feature list:

  • You can define the the number of items per page.
  • Get the items by specifying the page Number.