
Your objective in part 1 is to put in a rep doing everything that you did during the Express Routers and Controllers lecture:

  • Scaffold a new app named express-dev-skills using e-gen-replacement (don’t forget to run npm i).
  • Create an array of “fake” data representing some of your awesome developer skills (or another resource of your choice). The specific properties describing a skill (or other) object are up to you!
  • Implement index functionality for the skills resource or the resource you chose


  • Keep the data resource name short and simple - something like skills.
  • Following best-practice routing and MVC will result in the following modules for the skills resource:
    • routes/skills.js
    • data/skill-data.js
    • views/skills
    • controllers/skills.js
  • Use RESTful/Resourceful Routing Conventions

Part 2

Your objective in part 2 is to put in a rep doing everything that you did during the Intro to Mongoose lecture:

  • Refactor our app to use Mongoose/MongoDB. No additional functionality is added in this step.
🚨 You will NOT see any data in your app at this time. Continue on to part 3.

Part 3

Your objective in part 3 is to put in a rep doing everything that you did during the The Chart and URL/Route Parameters lecture:

  • Display an Add Skill (or resource of your choice) link on the index view that, when clicked, displays a new view with a form to enter a new skill (or another resource of your choice)

  • Allow that form to be submitted, which should create a new document in your database. After submitting this form, redirect the user to the index view.

    🚨 You should see data on the index view after this step!
  • Implement show functionality for your resource

Part 4

In Express Middleware, you saw how to use Express middleware, such as:

  • express.urlencoded (AKA body-parser middleware)
  • method-override

The goal of the lab is to do put in a rep doing everything that you did during the Express Middleware lesson by adding the following functionality to the express-dev-skills project:

  • On the show view, display a Delete Skill link that deletes the selected document from the database and redirects to the index view when it is clicked.
🧠 All routes should follow those described in the [RESTful/Resourceful Routing Conventions]( guide.


  • Be sure to install, require & mount the method-override middleware.

Level Up 🚀

  1. On the show view, display an Edit Skill link that, when clicked, displays an edit view that displays a form for editing that Dev Skill.
  2. When the edit Dev Skill form is submitted, the skill should be updated in the “database” and redirect the user back to the show view.


  • The controller action will need to get the Dev Skill being edited using the Skill Model and pass it to the edit view.
  • Pre-fill <input> elements by using the value attribute and some EJS tags to write out the data properties of the skill passed in.