
exploring different front-end frameworks/libs

Primary LanguageCSS

Different Front End Frameworks

Based on Fireship's video I built the same app 10 times

Vanilla JS

  • No data binding -- which makes it very hard to read the code and refrence (eg. event listeners)
  • No component based


  • Component based
  • Data binding
  • JSX -- which is a mix of real JS and HTML


  • Component based
  • Data binding
  • OOP
  • Implaments fake HTML tags (eg. ng-if, ng-for, ng-click) and fake JS (eg. ng-model)

Vue & Svelte

  • Component based
  • Data binding
  • Uses a 3 part system
    • script (logic ie. JS)
    • template/main (HTML)
    • style (CSS)
  • Fake HTML tags (eg. v-if, v-for, v-on) and fake JS (eg. v-model)