CoqPIE (an IDE for the Coq theorem prover + PEDANTIC)

Primary LanguageCoqMIT LicenseMIT


To compile the TreeTraversal example.

  1. Make sure Coq 8.5pl3 is in your path

coqc --version

The Coq Proof Assistant, version 8.5pl3 (November 2016)

compiled on Nov 16 2016 21:7:42 with OCaml 4.03.0

  1. Execute the following




CoqPIE (an IDE for the Coq theorem prover + PEDANTIC)


To get started with CoqPIE, first make sure that you have Coq 8.4pl3 installed. This is the only version of Coq for which the CoqPIE editor is known to work. Many of the other version have slightly different output formats which the editor is not able to handle. Also, this version is only known to work on a Mac running Python 2.7.10.

Start by trying out the three included sample projects. Before you can use the editor, you need to initialize the editor' cache. Execute either the script "buildSmall", "buildFoundations" or "buildPEDANTIC" to build the cache for one of the three include projects. For "buildSmall", the script takes about a minute and for "buildPEDANTIC", the script takes about 15 minutes. After the script is done, a directory called prover.pp will appear which is the editor's cache. Also, the editor will come up.

If you exit the editor, you can bring it back up with the command

python project.py -p prover.pp

You can rename the "prover.pp" cache to any other name as long as the ".pp" extension is preserved.


Use either buildSmall or buildPEDANTIC as a model for creating a script to initialize the editor for your own project. Before creating your project, first place all of the .v files for your project in a single directory. Your build script is a single line command. The command begins with "python Project.py". You will need to cd to the CoqPIE directory and place the script in that directory. After that you should have "--root=

" where

is the relative path to the directory containing your .v files. Following that is a list of all the .v files in the order in which they need to be compiled.


After the editor comes up, you can select definitions in the tree at the left. The middle window shows the source with the appropriate declaration highlighted. The window to the right shows the Coq output after the command or proof step executed. Since the entire project is pre-compiled and output is captured, the Coq output after any step can be viewed by selecting different commands.


One can edit the source code in the middle window. As definitions are altered, they become yellow. This indicates that the editor needs to reparse these definitions. To carry out the reparsing, press the "Parse" button in the row of buttons above the middle window. The project tree in the left window is updated and definitions that need to be reverified with Coq become red or yellow.


When a declaraction in the tree is selected, the source file is prompty moved to the location of that definition. Sometimes, it is useful to find the position in the tree given the position of the cursor in the text. To do this, first move the cursor to the declaration or proof step. Then press "TreeItem" in the row of buttons above the middle window.


CoqPIE manages the coqtop process in a manner similar to that of either Proof General or Coq IDE. However, the process works over an entire project rather than a single source file. You can move the correct state of the coq process to a particular declaration or proof step by first selecting the declaration or proof step in the tree at the let and then pressing the "Selected" button in the row of buttons above the middle window. Definitions processed by Coq change to grey. A lighter shade is used to indicate progress of the Coq process. Since CoqPIE manages whole projects, if the definitions in the current file depend on another file (which has been edited), that other file is automatically recompiled. There are also "Left" and "Right" buttons to move up and down a single step in the Coq process.


Above the tree is a "find" box. If you type the exact name of a declaration, then that declaration will be highlighted in yellow. Also, the file containing the declaration will be highlighted in yellow.


The window on the right shows the Coq output after a proof step is executed. Sometimes, CoqPIE can parse this output and present it in a formatted fashion. For syntax/type checking errors in definitions, the erroneous text will be marked in red. For goal states after applying a proof tactic, the goals will be shown with check boxes to the left. Check the goals that you would like to see expanded fully. Also, differences in hypotheses and goals from the previous step are highlight.

There is a combo box above the window to select which differences to show. The default choice is differences with the previous goal step. Alternatively, differences between hypotheses and the goal can be shown. This is helpful when choosing rewrites to transform goals. Finally, one can show differences between the current output and the last valid output which is used for replay described in the next section.

There is also a check box titled "Show previous output". This is for replay described below.


Here are a couple of sample usages to illustrate how replay and lemma extraction work.

Replay scenario:

1) Start CoqPIE with:

   cd CoqPIE
   python project.py -p prover.pp
   (after doing ./buildSmall and closing the editor--there
    seems to be a bug when editing directly after the buildSmall)

2) Select "../Small/Model.v" in the treeview window on the left.  Click the
   triangle to the left of the text to expand the entry.

3) Edit the text to uncomment all commented constructs (in Exp, eval, pop,
   noFind, noRef and popEquiv)

4) click the word "intros." on the fifth line of the proof of popEquiv to
   move the text insertion point there.

5) Press the "TreeItem" button to select the corresponding item in the

6) Press "Selected" to move the Coq derivation to that point.

7) Now press "Replay" twice to replay the next two steps.  Notice
   how the "H" in each tactic is updated to "H0"

Lemma extraction scenario:

1) Start CoqPIE with:

   cd CoqPIE
   python project.py -p prover.pp
   (after doing ./buildSmall and closing the editor--there
    seems to be a bug when editing directly after the buildSmall)

2) Select "../Small/Model.v" in the treeview window on the left.  Click the
   triangle to the left of the text to expand the entry.

3) Edit the text to uncomment all commented constructs (in Exp, eval, pop,
   noFind, noRef and popEquiv)

4) Go to the "mergePredicates" theorem and place the text cursor on top of
   "eapply validateTransitive"

5) Click "TreeItem" to select the corresponding line in the tree at the

6) From the pull down menu select "Macros->Extract lemma"