- 1
[other]: lack of /bin/bash
#34 opened by Kingxukai - 2
- 3
- 6
[other]: Access to the Performance Timers (Counters)
#29 opened by bgin - 3
[other]: k230 可用的 debian 镜像在哪里
#30 opened by PPParticle - 18
[other]: 关于板子sharefs不存在的问题?
#27 opened by HadXu - 3
[Errata]: 启动报错代码19
#31 opened by 1buxiangqimingzi1 - 1
[other]: k230支持的最大lpddr4的频率和最大容量?支持双lpddr4吗?
#32 opened by Culturenotes - 1
#33 opened by Culturenotes - 2
[other]: Camera compatability
#28 opened by skol101 - 6
[other]: 请问如何设置自启应用?
#14 opened by roingbu - 2
- 5
[Errata]: CanMV_k230上启动wifi失败
#25 opened by wozwdaqian - 6
- 4
[Improvement]: k230_datasheet abbreviations
#21 opened by yf13 - 1
- 3
[other]: K230启动流程释疑
#23 opened by SoloGao - 2
[Errata]: strange FPS value for camera sensors
#20 opened by yf13 - 2
[Improvement]: on MPP video components
#19 opened by yf13 - 6
[Errata]: 如何用设备树和sysfs来控制PMU
#5 opened by roingbu - 6
[Improvement]: questions on software packages
#11 opened by yf13 - 2
[Errata]: 我修改了设备树后,系统无法正常启动
#10 opened by roingbu - 2
[other]: 如何关闭大核和 rtthread
#12 opened by Qinka - 4
- 2
[Errata]: 无法通过linux烧录nor flash系统
#15 opened by roingbu - 2
[other]: documents for CanMV-k230 device
#17 opened by yf13 - 1
- 4
- 1
[Errata]: missing 《K230 系统控制 API参考 V1.0》
#7 opened by yf13 - 3
[Errata]: K230_GPU应用实战.md的Makefile写错了
#3 opened by wozwdaqian - 2
- 3
[other]: 双核操作系统的具体版本
#2 opened by wusnga8dn - 2
[other]: K230处理器架构
#1 opened by maksyuki