
😎 Independent Software Engineer, Brazil 🌎

  • 👋 My name is Alexandre de Freitas, but you can call me xande or alê

  • 👨‍🎓 I'm currently graduating at Computer Engineering in Brasilia, BR

  • 😎 Recently i got into a full-stack developer course at Driven Education

  • ⚡ Pronouns: he/him

  • 😄 Fun fact: I love cute little animals

🛠️ Main Tools and Languages:

🌱 I'm currently learning:

👨‍💻 I have some experience with:

🔍 Find me at:

linkedin logo stackoverflow logo Gmail logo

📖 A brief history about me

My name is Alexandre de Freitas Souza (aka xande). I was born in Salvador - Bahia, in Brazil 19 years ago.

Although I was born in Salvador I came to Brasília when I was about one year-old and I have always lived in Brasília since then. I'm having my graduation here at the University of Brasilia, UNB, at Computer Engineering and at the same time I am doing a fullstack course at Driven Education.

Since I was a little kid I've been interested in any type of technology, be it software or hardware. But what realy caught my attention at that time were obviously Robots and video games.

That interest evolved into casual hobbies and eventualy I started studying about it. Even though it took me untill high school to develop a real passion for programming and everything related to it I think that I got into it very fast and I have developed interesting skills since then

I'm still developing my skills and knowledge and I hope that in the future I will be capable of making a difference in the world.

⚙️  My Github numbers