Full-stack developer, Open to new opportunities! 🥇Stack: Javascript, HTML, CSS, GIT, Tailwind, React, Typescript, Node.js, Nest.js, Ruby on Rails.
kene-creator's Stars
Next-generation ORM for Node.js & TypeScript | PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, SQL Server, SQLite, MongoDB and CockroachDB
Open-Source Notification Platform. Embeddable Notification Center, E-mail, Push and Slack Integrations.
React - The Complete Guide Course Resources (Code, Attachments, Slides)
Build and Deploy a Full Stack MERN AI Image Generation App MidJourney & DALL E Clone
Easy Prisma support for your NestJS application
The fast alternative to masonry and mosaic layout.
Zidi is a code sharing platform that aims to provide clean, universally acceptable code for all backend processes in all major languages. Anticipating to develop productivity tools for backend developers to make their work easier. Built with: jQuery, PHP, NodeJs and MySQL
A portfolio website to showcase the projects that have been done that will be used in the real world when looking for employment opportunites. Built with HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
To-do list is a tool that helps to organize your day. It simply lists the things that you need to do and allows you to mark them as complete.
This is a website that showcases an seminar. Featured speakers are listed as well as all the details of the event. When you click on the about page it will take you to the correct page. Built with HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
This is the Microverse Project in Module 2 (JavaScript) which introduces us to finer details of JavaScript and going much deeper.
First capstone project built in week 5 Module 1, It is an Online Web Development Courses Website for an IT University. Built with HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
This is a simple website that displays a list of books and allows you to add and remove books from that list. Built with HTML, CSS and JavaScript
In this project, I built a simple list of To Do tasks. You can add your daily to do list and cross them off your list as you have completed it. The data gets stored to local storage but is removed once the task has been deleted off this lis. This simple web page will be built using webpack and served by a webpack dev server. Built with HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
This is a Microverse Module 2, week 2 JavaScript project. This project refined using Es6 syntax JavaScript and It allows the user to add books to an array and the data is also stored in local storage
This is a Capstone Project for an BMW CC Global Summit built with HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The website includes a homepage and an about page. I Used JavaScript to dynamically display the Featured Speakers section
This is my personal portfolio page built with HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It majorly shows a simple description about me, my recent projects done and my resume. There is also a contact form incase you would like to get in contact with me.
This is a Todo App with basic CRUD functionalities using ES6 concepts and webpack. It is built using webpack and served by a webpack dev server. It uses the localStorage to store the data.
First project in the Full Stack Program
The Capstone Project from Module 1 of Microverse's Full Stack Developer course
This is a Portfolio Design Built using HTML& CSS following figma design template.
This is a web site for storing books and authors, built in Week 1 Module 2. This project is built with Vanilla JavaScript and It allows the user to add books to an array and the data is also stored in local storage.