
Generic movie service API

Primary LanguagePython

Generic Movie service API

1. Prerequisites

Software Version Importance
🐳 Docker 20.10.6 Required
🐙 Docker Compose 1.29.1 Required
🔗 cURL 7.68.0 Required
🐃 GNU Make 4.2.1 Required

1.1 Directory structure

├── etc                         <- Infrastructure configurations
│   ├── psql
│   │   └── scripts
│   ├── python
│   └── rabbitmq
├── img
└── src                         <- Source code
    ├── movie_service
    │   ├── api
    │   │   └── routes
    │   └── movie
    │       └── infrastructure
    └── robot_service

2. Getting started 🏁

  1. Run make prepare.
  2. Fill the file config.py with your own credentials. ⚠️WARNING⚠️: all the constants on the config.py.example file work correctly, you only have to change the OMDB_API['KEY'] variable if you want.
  3. Run make dc, this may take a while.
  4. Run make API_KEY=8031c622 import-movies. The 8031c622 is my personal API KEY, this key shouldn't be shared.
  5. Run make rate, this command starts the movie rating task, and queues the best 5 movies on RabbitMQ (robot). This robot rates every 30 seconds, this time can be modified on FREQUENCY_RATE variable in src/robot_service/config.py file.
  6. Run make get-movies, get the best ranked movies from RabbitMQ.

2.1 Used ports

Port Description
8090 Main Service
8091 Robot
15672 RabbitMQ (UI)
5672 RabbitMQ (internal)
5432 PostgreSQL

2.2 Endpoints

Endpoint Type/Port Description
/movie/import GET/8090 Import movies from the IMDB API
/rate GET/8091 Rating each 5 random movies.
/best GET/8091 Get the best rated movies and send to RabbitMQ queue
/movie GET/8090 Obtain the 5 best rated movies from RabbitMQ queue

3. Steps 👣

3.1 Read the API documentation

  • We can found the documentation on this link.
  • We can get the API Key by registering from this link (with free 1000 API calls per day)

3.2 Read the RabbitMQ documentation

  • We can found the documentation on this link.

3.3 Make a simple diagram


3.4 Execution example

  1. make prepare
cp -n src/movie_service/config.py.example src/movie_service/config.py
cp -n src/robot_service/config.py.example src/robot_service/config.py
cp -n ./etc/psql/.env.example ./etc/psql/.env
  1. make dc


  1. make API_KEY=8031c622 import-movies


  1. See the database


  1. Rate and get movies


  1. See on RabitMQ, login on with user: guest and pass: guest. challenge-diagram


4. Flaws 😢

  1. The config.py.example values should be empty and do not have to be versioned.
  2. The movie_service and robot_service should be separated on different repositories.
  3. Input data validator.
  4. No unit and integration testing.
  5. No postman documentation.