WET - FS21 - Abgabe Vincenzo Timmel

Covid-19 Dashboard


The app was deployed with Streamlit Sharing.

The deployed Dashboard can be found here: https://share.streamlit.io/kenfus/covid-19-dashboard/main.py


Requirements can be installed with pip install requirements.txt.

It's recommended to first create a virtual environment (e.g. with conda)

Deploy the Streamlit-App

The app can be started in the Terminal with streamlit run main.py. A new Window should open, showing the Dashboard. If not, follow the URL mentioned in the Terminal.


The testing can be done with pytest .\tests\test_interactivity.py --demo --browser=<YOUR BROSWER> --maximize-window with Browser being one of:

  • firefox
  • chrome
  • edge

The Tests are also automatically run on every Push to GitHub.

Overview of App

The App is a simple Dashboard to display Data about COVID-19 with Data from Our World in Data. On the App, you can see how most Countries are doing on a Global View in regards with over 20 COVID-19 related Metrics. Also, you can single-out Countries and compare them to each other.

Missing Countries

Some Countries are missing because they offer no or clearly wrong Data.