Deep Learning - Classification of Real Estate Objects


There is a requirements.txt included, which can be used to install the used packages:

pip install -r requirements.txt.

However, a GPU should be used if possible, as one epoch took around 15 seconds on an RTX 3060Ti.


The data contains the type of the real estate (House, flat, villa..) and municipality-specific data. We had solved this task as part of the Deep Learning course at (FHNW)[].


Eda was done in the notebook eda.ipynb.


The preprocessing can be found as the class PreProcessor here: In it you will find a Python class that preprocesses tabular data in ways needed for the MLP. These are described in more detail at the beginning of the notebook main.ipynb

Actual Mini-Challenge

The actual solution to the mini-challenge can be found in the notebook main.ipynb It has been constructed to correspond as closely as possible to the task defined in mini-challenges_SGDS_DEL_MC1.pdf. The model and how it was created can be found in main.ipynb

Rough structure NN

This is an MLP with several hidden layers. The structure of the network was also searched by hyperparameter tuning. Per hidden layer, the number of neurons decreases.

Early Stopping

It has "early stopping" built in. Training is interrupted if the F1 score does not improve for 10 epochs on the test set.

Hyperparameter Tuning

Hyperparameter tuning was done using Weights and Biases and their "sweep" method Bayesian Hyperparameter Optimization.

The entire optimization can be looked up here: vincenzo293/DEL-mini-challenge-1. However, this is explained in more detail in the notebook main.ipynb

Interesting things and discoveries

Difficult beginning

It was interesting that I had an extremely bad start. For a long time I had a Macro-F1 score of 0.21-0.23. At some point I noticed that the class did not standardize all values correctly and it had an attribute which took values between 30'000-120'000. When I fixed this (standardize), my Macro-F1 score went up to 0.37-0.398.

Optimizer Adam could not handle the data / is set incorrectly

With SGD I was able to train the NN well. With Adam my F1 score never got above 0.17, even with testing many different learning rates (0.00001-0.001) and hyperparameter. This can also be seen in more detail in the notebook main.ipynb


In Machine Learning Basics for 4 ECTS at (FHNW)[], we had to implemented the same task with a decision tree classifier (LightGBM) and it easily beat my MLP by reaching a score of 0.41 vs. 0.39.

Futher details

Please have a look at main.ipynb