
Final project for the She Code Africa Mentoring program

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Build Status Coverage Status Maintainability Test Coverage


Final project for the She Code Africa Mentoring program.

The app allows Users to do the following:

  • Register and login into their account
  • Create a todo list
  • Get all todos for a todo list
  • Delete a todo list and all its containing todos
  • Create a todo
  • Get a specific todo
  • Edit a specific todo
  • Delete a specific todo


To run the project you need nodejs install and mongodb

  • Go to MongoDB Atlas,create a free account to use and nodejs to install them.
  • Clone the project
  • Install npm using
npm install -g npm
  • Cd into the project directory and run
npm install
  • To start the application, run the command
npm start
  • Server will be running on localhost port 3030
  • Use Postman to test all the endpoints